Archive a Project

Related products: Other

PLEASE can you add a facility to Archive a Project?

Surely not that complicated and would make Board and Project Management so much more manageable.

Please - I have noted a related topic, but I was unable to reply and add my voice to that so have strted my own topic to reflect the other is a year old

Excellent idea. Depending on your setup within MIRO, projects themselves could get out of control so having an archive function would be ideal.

Archiving boards, projects, or teams (preferably all three) really feels like a must for me as well.
I commented in that older IDEA as well, but am adding to this new one as well.

There is already a topic (idea) for this, maybe it helps to have several requests for such a basic function.

Updated idea statusIdeaDuplicate Idea (closed)
Idea merged into:

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