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Auto-select sticky content

I find myself frequently copying existing sticky notes on the screen, partly because I don’t know of a hotkey to add one. But either way, I could see myself copying a sticky note to generate a new one. I’m doing this while moderating interviews with participants, and I need to move quickly to capture notes. I keep accidentally hitting cmd a before the sticky has been selected because there’s a lag. I’m trying to select all the content so that I can type in new content. For some reason, cmd a keeps zooming me out to 100%, and then I lose focus, and because my board is very busy it takes forever to reload and get back to where I am, all while I’m screensharing with a participant. It’s extremely disruptive. 


It takes 3 clicks to select all the text without using a cmd+a, plus, I’m already in the habit. I know that cmd+1 already zooms to 100% of the board. I wish you would remove the zoom to 100% from the cmd+a. At the very least, if you pre-selected all the text within the sticky so I can delete it, or start typing, I wouldn’t need to type cmd+a. Really, I think you should do both. The cmd+a zooming out, feels like a bug, since there’s another hot key that does that already, and that is usually the command to select all text. The sticky text auto selection upon double-clicking seems like a great feature to add.



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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7250 replies
  • July 16, 2021

@Elishema - I will share all of the tips/shortcuts I know that could help:

  • Create a new sticky note hotkey is N
    • press N to get into sticky note mode
    • left-click where you want the sticky note to be (which puts you into edit mode)
    • now type your text.
  • Right-click on a blank spot on the board and use Add sticky note
  • Double-clicking on a blank spot on the board will create a sticky note if you haven’t yet created anything on the board during the current session and will then create new object of the last object type you created, e.g., a shape or card
  • Duplicate an existing sticky note (or any object) by either
    • #1 - select it and then Ctrl/Cmd + D
    • #2 - hold ALT and click and drag an object
  • Once duplicated, highlight existing text by a triple-click (should select, get into edit mode, and then select all text)

See all shortcuts in the Shortcuts and Hotkeys Help Center article.

  • Author
  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • July 19, 2021

Thanks, this was helpful! I forgot about the shortcuts menu. It would be nice if those were also closer tied to the actual objects so it was easy to check in with them.
