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Create Individual Frames from Selected Objects


Currently, its a little time consuming to create individual frames from objects. Our team imports multipage pdfs and extracts them. from there we need to create individual frame so that we can treat them as a slideshow. right now you have to individually select an object and right click, then create frame. 


jIt would be great to be able to select multiple items shift + drag/command + click and create individual frames from the selection, instead of creating one large frame around all objects. 


Also posted this to the community,

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7267 replies
  • June 26, 2023

@Shawn Walsh - If you’re still finding creating multiple frames to be time consuming, a few of us put together an app for this. Here’s the post about the app (and an install link):

This is even more valuable now that the Presenter mode in Miro is driven based on the Frame construct. Please consider adding this. In the meantime, I’ll try the Framer app.