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Miro Help Center: April 2021 Updates


Hey Miro Heroes!

We are happy to share monthly Help Center updates -  take a look at our April overview of new articles: 

Helpful guide describing billing documentation - how to download invoices and receipts with your company details, what information your invoice contains and how to interpret it.

Need to work on a project individually? Follow the steps from the article to learn how to achieve this with Miro.

Meet Reactions - see how you can show it on your board rather than say it!

Enterprise Company Admins can now take advantage of a helpful dashboard showing account data and analytics - the article will tell you more about the possibilities it gives.

We are here to support you and ensure a smooth experience with Miro on any device. The article is a collection of solutions for possible issues in tablet and mobile apps.

Troubleshooting guide for those who have issues with accessing Miro - check how this can be solved and start whiteboarding right away :tada:

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