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🏆 Community Sticker Pack Contest

  • October 19, 2021
  • 7 replies


Hi Miro Community,

:tada:  I’m very excited to share that our emojis app now also includes stickers, giving you another way to react and share how you feel! All Miro users can use stickers to react to a teammate’s work on the board, communicate thoughts during a meeting, or to create more exciting board designs. Now you have a way to give a teammate high-five for a job well done, even if you’re on a different continent.


:trophy:  Best of all, we're also launching a Community Sticker Pack Contest where any Miro user can submit stickers. This is a great opportunity for us to co-create together and expand the stickers library so that eventually you can find a relevant sticker for any situation ─ whether that’s celebrating success as a team or giving a colleague a tap on their back when they need it the most. 




We invite all Miro users to send sticker packs through this form and collectively we will choose sticker packs that will be uploaded ─ each with the names of the sticker pack and author as the header to the stickers and emojis app. 


How we will decide which sticker packs to publish:

  • The packs need to fit relevant use cases and capture the essence of collaborating in Miro. For this Miro teams will do a first round of evaluation of sticker packs
  • Then, in true Miro style, Miro Community members will also have a voice and they can vote on their favorite sticker packs

  • Sticker packs will also go through several approvals within Miro teams, including legal teams before they can be published 

  • Individual stickers within a pack may be excluded during the approval process and not be published 


What you need to know before you submit your stickers:

  • Make sure to provide your name and your email address that you use for your Miro account in the form

  • Share a link with your sticker packs that’s accessible to the Miro team. Through this link we should be able to find:

    • The sticker packs that include at least five and maximum 20 stickers (there are no limits to the number of sticker packs)

      • Format: SVG

      • Sticker dimension: a transparent square background for each sticker

      • File size: less than 100 kb for each sticker 

    • A name for each of your sticker packs and each individual sticker should also have a name

    • The name of the author for each sticker pack

    • Optional: a quick explanation of your inspiration for the sticker pack 


Important dates to note:

  • Submissions open: Tuesday, Oct 19th 2021

  • Submission closes: Tuesday, Nov 30th 2021

  • Miro selected sticker packs will be published in the Community for voting: Wednesday, Dec 8th 2021

  • Voting closes: Friday, Dec 17th 2021

  • Winners are announced and top voted sticker packs are published to Miro sticker and emoji app: Monday, Jan 17th 2022


You can leave a comment on this thread or send an email to in case you have any questions. 

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November 30, 2021

Hey everyone, please don’t miss an important update about the Sticker Pack contest on another thread :raised_hands_tone2:.
Thank you!

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7 replies

What’s the prize? 

Can we create our own corporate stickers and install them as a custom sticker palette for internal corporate use?



Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • October 22, 2021

@julia_rudge -

I love the stickers! Teaching a class right now, and they give me more options for engagement beyond the reactions and emojis!


  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • October 23, 2021
Norrene Godfrey wrote:

Can we create our own corporate stickers and install them as a custom sticker palette for internal corporate use?



This would be great - so even if you buy Stock-Footage you can create your own Sticker-Styles out of Stock-Footage … the only limitation:

You cannot add Stock-Footage Material to feed such contests like this one - because you can only use it by yourself or for your customer but not for Sticker - Templates for others or such things …

But to have your own Sticker library would be cool :thumbsup:


  • Author
  • Mironeer
  • 13 replies
  • October 25, 2021

Thanks everyone for the comments and questions. Please follow answers below:

@Kendrick Pingkian the prize is for the sticker pack to be featured inside the Miro Sticker App, together with the name of the sticker pack and the author of the pack.

@Norrene Godfrey no corporate stickers at the moment, this contest is focused on stickers that the whole user base and community can find relevant 😉. For future iterations we will consider being able to upload your own library.


I think Stickers should stick to the object they are placed on (group?), like an actual sticker would. As it is now, I don’t see any real difference between a Sticker and an Icon.

  • Author
  • Mironeer
  • 13 replies
  • November 30, 2021
Pinned reply

Hey everyone, please don’t miss an important update about the Sticker Pack contest on another thread :raised_hands_tone2:.
Thank you!