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WebPlugin error. Uncaught Error: processCommandFromIFrame:: iframe channel not found

  • October 23, 2020
  • 3 replies

Hi, I’ve created a simple test plugin using one of the examples app as a scaffolding. The web plugin allows the user to roll a number of random dice. 

This is the installation link for the  app (still in development of course)

The app seems to work fine most of the time but for some users and on some teams, it works just once. After first usage we get this error:

Uncaught Error: processCommandFromIFrame:: iframe channel not found, plugin = 3074457350145576827, cmd = .board.viewport.getViewport

If we reload the board and use it, it works the first time and triggers the error from then on.

The issue seems to be consistent for certain combination of user/team/browser. Eg

  • I can use it on Team A, always
  • I can use it on Team B, always, using firefox
  • I can use it on Team B, only once, using chrome
  • A teamamate can use it on Team B, only once, no matter the browser

I can’t correlate the issue consistently to a certain user, nor a certain team, nor a certain  browser.

I have really no idea how to debug this issue

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3 replies

Interesting I started to see a similar error today:

BoardSdk.ec5e0db794ccf715b8ec.js:1 Uncaught Error: processCommandFromIFrame:: iframe channel not found, plugin = 3074457348672242787, cmd = IS_RESPONSE_FOR_SOME_COMMAND
    at e.processCommandFromIFrame (BoardSdk.ec5e0db794ccf715b8ec.js:1)
    at x (BoardSdk.ec5e0db794ccf715b8ec.js:1)

Which may not be related to your issue but I wasn’t sure what ‘iframe channel’ was in reference to?

Daniela Gavidia


Thank you for reporting this issue. While testing your web-plugin, I noticed that you included the SDK script (sdk.1.1.js) twice in your cubes.html file, once in the head and once in the body. Just to rule out any issues with that, could you remove one and let us know if you still experience the issue?

Also, I noticed that you are calling miro.board.viewport.getViewport(). The getViewport() method is deprecated. Could you try miro.board.viewport.get() instead?


Please let us know how it goes.

Kind regards.



I can confirm this error as well. It happens after some time of the app staying idle or when I change a piece of code and the app does not reload automatically.
