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App icon not shown, icon:click never registered

  • September 15, 2023
  • 7 replies

  • Beginner
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i am developing an app. Everything has been really smooth until the last few days: the app icon stopped showing up (and is not visible in the “discover” search either), and the icon:click listener is never registered.

The following code

export async function init() {
  console.log("Starting app");
  await miro.board.ui.on("icon:click", async () => {
    console.log("Onclick registering");
    await miro.board.ui.openPanel({ url: "panel.html", height: 600 });
    console.log("Onclick registered");
  console.log("App started");




Starting app
App started


Has anything changed regarding the click event lately?



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7 replies

William Bishop

Hey @Atle,

Thanks for raising this, and sorry to hear about the trouble with getting the app icon to appear. 

As a first, step, can I kindly ask that you try uninstalling the app from your team and then reinstalling it? To do this, you can go to the Apps & Integrations page under the team you installed the app under. The URL should be something like

After you do that and then reinstall, if you still don’t see the icon, can I kindly ask that you try the following

  1. Open your developer tools / Network tab
  2. Add a filter for “installedApplications” on the Network tab and refresh the board
  3. Share the response that you see in the Network tab

This will be helpful to further debug. Thank you!

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  • 7 replies
  • September 15, 2023

I modified the app to launch the panel right after startup. The panel launches, and the the icon is displayed and works as expected.

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  • September 16, 2023
Atle wrote:

I modified the app to launch the panel right after startup. The panel launches, and the the icon is displayed and works as expected. a workaround of course...

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  • September 17, 2023

I am experiencing the same issue.

My app appears well in the JSON response of the event mentioned in the Network tab from developer tools.

And I did not found a way to load the panel at startup.

I am stuck... my app is deployed on vercel, and I cannot find a way to make it work.

William Bishop

Hi @Atle @Manu123,

Thanks for reporting this and our sincere apologies for the trouble. This issue is related to a known bug that our Engineering team is working to resolve asap. 

We will follow up here as soon as the fix is live.


William Bishop

Hi @Manu123,

Our team has released a fix, can you retry authorizing your app and let us know if you’re still seeing any issues?


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  • Beginner
  • 7 replies
  • September 19, 2023

Everything works as expected again! Thank you for the quick work.
