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Cardsy - create Cards in bulk from selected widgets on the board

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Easily generate cards in bulk from selected widgets on your Miro boards.


We all love Miro, and I wanted to repay Miro somehow for providing such an amazing product. 

So I made a plugin which is gonna be lot of use to me.

Do check it out maybe it might save some of your time as well.

I would appreciate any kind feedback.😊


Use case

You have filled your board with your precious ideas in various widgets like TextSticky, or Shapes.

Now, you want to take advantages of Miro cards properties like

  • assigning a date (could be a deadline)
  • assigning a team member
  • writing detailed description
  • use them in your Kanban framework.

Steps to use:-

  1. Select some widgets from your board
  2. Click on the plugin icon in bottom bar of the board.
  3. Done! All the cards are created with their title from the selected widget’s content.

You can freely use this quick plugin I made by adding to your Miro board.


Add Cardsy to your board

Pinned reply

September 23, 2023


Update: Mindmaps are now supported!


Hey everyone!


Thanks to contribution from a fellow Cardsy user ( we are now able to generate cards from mindmap as well.


This is essentially same as what @Robert Johnson just shared above. 


Updated plugin is available to be installed from as always. 


I think you wouldn’t need to do anything for this update to work just reloading the page should be enough, but If it doesn’t generate cards from mind maps for you, please reinstall the plugin from the above link.


@Robert Johnson It looks like some of the people who lands on this community page are using the link mentioned in the pinned comment, I would like to update the pinned comment, but it look like it is not possible to change pinned message, could you please check once if this is possible or not.

Was it helpful?

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  • Active Contributor
  • 68 replies
  • May 11, 2020

Hey @Yash this sounds cool, thanks for sharing!

Could you include some gifs or screenshots of this plugin? It would be helpful to see how it works :grin:

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  • May 11, 2020

Heya @Kyle.C!
I am so glad to see you interested in this.😋
Here is a short video. 

I worked on it a little bit today, and now new generated cards will have the same tags as original stickers too.

Here is short Loom Video of plugin in action.


If you feel like this will be of use to you, you can install the plugin clicking here. 😁

PS:- Any type of feedback is appreciated. 🙂

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • May 11, 2020

This is a pretty cool plugin, @Yash ! I can definitely see benefits for those teams who want to manage their backlogs purely in Miro as it allows them to easily go from brainstorming stories or story mapping to cards which can be dropped into a Kanban board.

Great work!


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  • May 11, 2020

Thanks a lot, @Kiron Bondale!

Your words means a lot to me. 😁

Initially I had this idea because I ended up jotting down everything I needed on my board as Text, or mostly Shapes. But then I realized I should've created Cards instead... And thus Cardsy was born. 😅


Boris Borodyansky

Hey @Yash , great work, well done!

Some feedback, just like you asked for :wink: :

  • do you think this plugin covers same use case as built-in conversion functionality?
  • It is recommended to use context menu for actions that are possible only with selected object, you can find more info here
  • it would be cool to convert several objects into 1 card, that’d be definitely a new feature. Like, first: title, then: description, rest: tags. What do you think?

  • Author
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  • May 13, 2020

Hi @Boris Borodyansky

Thanks a lot for checking it out and awesome feedback as well.:grin:


I completely missed that.:sweat_smile: I was under impression that this conversion is only supported for one sticky each. Anyway, this is conversion, what cardsy does is generation. As Kiron mentioned, some user might want to keep the original widgets on the board and want to generate cards to use somewhere else. i.e. keeping the “brainstorm” section of board intact but adding them into kanban.

  • It is recommended to use context menu for actions that are possible only with selected object, you can find more info here


That was my original intent too, since it requires some objects to be selected, the plugin should be visible only if user has selected some objects. However, when I tried using the `widgetContextMenu` as extension point, I kept running in following error. So had to reluctantly keep it in `bottomBar`. What could I be doing wrong? let me know.

sdk.1.1.js:24 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Unknown extension point: widgetContextMenu
 at sdk.1.1.js:24
 at sdk.1.1.js:24
 at u (sdk.1.1.js:24)
 at o (sdk.1.1.js:24)
 at Object.e.default (sdk.1.1.js:24)
 at sdk.1.1.js:9

(anonymous) @ sdk.1.1.js:24
(anonymous) @ sdk.1.1.js:24
u @ sdk.1.1.js:24
o @ sdk.1.1.js:24
e.default @ sdk.1.1.js:24
(anonymous) @ sdk.1.1.js:9
Promise.then (async) 
initialize @ sdk.1.1.js:9
(anonymous) @ main.js:4
Promise.then (async) 
onReady @ sdk.1.1.js:9
(anonymous) @ main.js:1
  • it would be cool to convert several objects into 1 card, that’d be definitely a new feature. Like, first: title, then: description, rest: tags. What do you think?


Very Interesting, that does sound cool, I am not sure of use case, but that definitely is cool. It would depend on use case what user want to keep as title of card, description, and tags. we could try asking user if they want to generate all cards or merge the info in one card (in this same plugin or different). Yep. this is really interesting. Guess I wanna build it.:sweat_smile:

Boris Borodyansky

@Yash , makes sense!

About context menu, please try this extension point:

I guess we need to update some guides on the extension point names. 

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  • May 13, 2020

Thanks, @Boris Borodyansky!

Posting the working solution here for till docs updates.

extensionPoints: {
 getWidgetMenuItems: async (widgets, editmode) => {
 return [
 tooltip: <tooltip>,
 svgIcon: <icon>,
 onClick: <function>,


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7273 replies
  • August 31, 2020

@Yash - Thanks so much for Cardsy! While I sometimes use Miro’s native object conversion, I more often use Cardsy to generate sticky notes into Cards for Kanban boards.

A few days ago, I posted a Wish List Idea for converting Mind Map nodes into sticky notes/Cards. And this morning, I had a thought… and the chances are really good that you already know what I’m going to ask next...

Would it be a fairly low-effort change to enable Cardsy to generate Cards from mind map nodes?! Once we have Cards from the nodes, for those who want stick notes/shapes/text, they could use Miro’s native conversion on the Cardsy-generated cards. This would be a game-changer!

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  • October 18, 2020

Hello again everyone!

I am glad to announce that I have updated Cardsy. 

Latest Cardsy can now generate cards from Mind Map Nodes as well. @Robert Johnson, thanks for the suggestion.

Install Link :- Cardsy

Demo of Latest Update:- Video 


As usual, any type of feedback is much appreciated.
Btw, due to some technical reasons, the plugin icon will be now show in the bottom bar instead of widget menu.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • October 18, 2020

@Yash - This is amazing! THANK YOU! 😁👍 This additional functionality to Cardsy will help make mind maps more useful as they can now quickly be generated into cards which can then move on trough various processes, e.g., Kanban for development.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7273 replies
  • October 27, 2020

Cardsy in action: Mind Map nodes → Cards → Kanban


@Yash This is wonderful work. My only challenge is that I wish I could keep the connections in the node tree. This would be a game-changer. Thanks! Craig

@Yash THIS IS AMAZING...THANK YOU!!! I just finished a huge mind map of feature sets and was about to manually turn the whole thing into cards for prioritization. So glad I googled this! Kudos to @Robert Johnson for suggesting the addition of mind maps to Cardsy...You both saved me hours of work! Well done...thanks again!!!

  • New Here
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  • June 30, 2021

@Yash Bhalodi What am I doing wrong? I click the link to install the plugin, website says “success” but unfortunately the plugin is missing. 


I’m so excited about that feature - so please help me :) 


thank you. :) 

  • New Here
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  • July 14, 2021

Hey @Yash

Same problem as @Toni B. Would love to use this feature! Any help is greatly appreciated! 

  • Beginner
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  • August 5, 2021

Damn!! this looks so cool. I could definitely use this capability however I keep getting an “unsupported response_type_ error when trying to install even though I get the successful added page :( Error URL

Any suggestions? Can it get added to the Miro Apps Store



Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • August 5, 2021

@drj3kl - @Yash will need to take a look at this. Hopefully this mention catches his attention.



For some reason, I can’t find the plugin icon on my board. It is accurately added to my boards though.

Did I do something wrong ?


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • November 29, 2021

@Pierre Schuhl - You have the new UI beta enabled on your account - the custom web-plugin apps have moved.



Ouch… For some reason, I cannot find CARDSY doing this. Yet, I’m sure I installed it.




And then


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7273 replies
  • November 29, 2021

@Pierre Schuhl - My first question would be if the board you are showing in your screenshot is for sure residing in the “Business Document Product Management” team?

Alas, yes … I quadruple checked :-)


Board is “Apports Fonctionnels”


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7273 replies
  • November 29, 2021

@Pierre Schuhl - I just tried installing Cardsy for a team where it is not currently installed and while I received the “Successfully added to your Miro board” message, it was not installed:


@Yash - Are you able to look into this?

  • Author
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  • December 25, 2021

Hi again everyone!

Coincidentally, today is Christmas, and I think I have become the Santa unknowingly. 😂😅

First of all, It makes me happy to see this tiny little plugin being used by so many, even though I had only developed it for “time-pass”.

I feel bad for the lack of maintenance in Cardsy. I just recently started my career as full-time frontend/mobile developer and that has been keeping me busy.


Now, let’s talk about what this Santa got for you.

  1. The issue regarding the installation of Cardsy has been fixed. 🎉
    Turns out, Miro team had rolled out an update intending to improve their code surrounding the plugin eco-system and I missed the email that was sent to me to help me keep my plugins up-to-date.
  2. I have made a small improvement’s so that it will now be faster in generating large number of cards.
    In technical jargon, we can say I optimised for number of async method calls.

To fix the installation issue, we now have to use the following new link to properly install Cardsy.
New Installation link for Cardsy



As always, I welcome all type of constructive feedback. and Thank you all for using Cardsy.

I am sharing few links here with relating to Cardsy and their purpose.

  • GitHub Repo - Cardsy is open-source, and this is where the code for Cardsy lives. If you like this plugin, star the repo to show your appreciation. Share it with friends and help save their time.
  • Cardsy GitHub Issue Tracker - If you have got feedback, some problems, some suggestion to improve Cardsy, or you just have some tips, or you have something to discuss regarding Cardsy, you can use this to create a new issue, or comment into a relevant existing issue.

And Yep, Merry Christmas to everyone.


@Robert Johnson @Pierre Schuhl @drj3kl @Toni B @Rockmeda 
