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Since user can screen capture a board, save it, and upload it, why not reduce the steps and let users just grab a region from Change Thumbnail dialog?

At a minimum it would be better to have generic images for types of illustrations - concept map, journey map, etc as the choice instead of the current illustrations which are confusing juxtapositions to the real content. 

@Karl Mochel at ServiceNow - The board owner and any team member with Edit access can do this by:

  1. Open the board
  2. Click no the board title to open the board info panel
  3. Select Change thumbnail
  4. Select board area



Note: There appears to be a bug in Edge 

Version 121.0.2277.128 (Official build) (64-bit) that is blocking this option for all users. I reported this to the support team.

Should also be a Change Thumbnail menu item on the Board menu. Be faster and intuitive.

I agree with Roberts concise directions. Additionally, I borrowed and idea from another MIRO user and have adopted the practice of making a 1x1 square ICON that I copy/paste/edit for each new board. With this created ICON on the board, i then follow Robert’s direction to select the “board area” that captures the ICON.

Example of a created ICON
My MIRO Desktop looks like this. All clients are color coded or use a unique ICON for quicker access


For anyone reading this post because you are using Edge and cannot find the option to select an area of a board as a thumbnail, here is a post where I am tracking this issue in the Edge browser:

Thank you Robert.

The time the user is most likely think about the fact that a board needs a thumbnail is in on the Boards page. And when they go to Change Thumbnail this is the dialog they get…

So, just because there is a Capture Board action in the board doesn't mean it's a good solution. A “Capture Board” choice here is what will fix the problem when its on the user’s mind. 

The fact they can do it inside a board makes it a hidden feature.

The issue with not being able to create a thumbnail from a board image in Edge has been resolved.

From Miro support:

We're happy to let you know that the issue with the thumbnails you reported has been successfully resolved. We entirely understand how important this feature is for you and your team, so we'd like to thank you again for your patience.
