Ok, so a User Story Map is a beautiful thing - thanks Jeff Patton!
And thanks Miro for having a great template / element to enable working with story maps and cards!
So, you create a great user story map in two dimensions in Miro. Lots of talking with the team and customers and you’re all happy and understand better how the product is to work and what things you want to built first. Its all on the map
Then, things start to break down when you now have to move these stories from the map to Jira. Why? Well, because your company uses it and some of your CI/CD tools integrate to it and there’s commenting possibility and… uh
- Priority / rank, indicated on the story map is lost as you have to put everything to a flat backlog in Jira. When you look at Jira, you can’t be sure if the thing at the top of the flat backlog is the one yo should be working on, without double-checking the map in Miro
- If you have made a nice story description in Miro, you now have a duplicate in Jira and can’t tell which one is the master if (when) you need to make changes
- If you want to know what you should be working on, which one do you check first - the map in Miro or the backlog in Jira?
- It’s a lot of manual copypasting of content and links
How do YOU work around these problems? In particular the rank is a pain!!