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Team members should be restricted from sharing board but can invite new members

Hey everyone and thanks a lot in advance for your help,


hopefully someone could help me understanding the following situation:

Requirement: Only team admin should be able to invite new members to boards

Actual situation: regular members can invite new people to a board


On the screenshot you should be able to see the following situation:

  • On the left side: logged in as an admin
  • On the right side: logged in as a regular member on an occasional license
  • Desired outcome: the user on the right should not be able to invite people to the board

Probably I’ve overseen a setting but unfortunately, at the moment I don’t know what is wrong with my settings.


Best Regards and thanks a lot in advance for your help,





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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • July 3, 2020

@Christoph Speckmann -

unfortunately the team options you have selected are applicable to being added to a team, and only the default options for board sharing. In the latter case, as board owners AND editors can override those, if you have shared a board with others giving them full editor access, they can then invite others to that board. They should not be able to add anyone else to the team.


Hey @Kiron,


thanks a lot for your quick reply :-) In our case small teams of 10 people work together on one board. Since some data can be sensible, do you know if we can prevent that anybody except the admins can invite other people to the board? And if so, what would be the setting for this?


Thanks a lot in advance and best Regards,



Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • July 4, 2020

@Christoph Speckmann -

Unfortunately not - I believe that if they have full edit access then they cannot be restricted from sharing the board but would suggest contacting Miro support via Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center to be sure.

