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Please stop adding the pop up for people to sign up for a Miro account when they are invited to join a board as a guest!

  • January 27, 2022
  • 1 reply

We had an enterprise account with Miro but it has since been cancelled. Why? Because primarily we were trying it out but it became a problem of maintaining it for my boss. I was experimenting with the Miro boards with groups of people and communities. When I invited people to join the board as a guest, a pop up would come up for them to create a Miro account. To them it appeared like it was necessary when they could have ignored it. Even if I advised people to not sign up, they would anyway. Then they would somehow get added to our enterprise account as a user and it would cost more $. 

Think about this in a HUMAN way, not a technical way. People will be people. Many people are not tech savvy and they are just going to click around and do stupid stuff. So don’t enable them to do stupid stuff! Please stop with the pop up to sign up for an account with the invite links to guests! Please, I beg of you. I think Miro is a great product but because of this pop up situation, we have not renewed our membership with you. 

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7248 replies
  • January 27, 2022

@Lori Gacioch - I agree. I write this behaviour to my paying for web hosting and the host then placing add on my website. 

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