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not admin but need to export board and exclude admin

  • 23 May 2024
  • 5 replies

Can someone please help? A colleague set up a board as admin. They have since done no work on it but I have. He has now left the company but is obviously still listed as the admin on the board. Is it possible to export the board and set myself as admin? I need to remove him from the team. I do not want to see my hard work go to waste but at the same time do not want him to delete it, which I suspect he might. Thank you. 

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12


Are you an admin of the team, i.e., you have the role of Team Admin?

And, what subscription/plan type do you have? (Free? Starter? Business? Enterprise? Education?).

No, I am not admin. An ex-colleague is. It is a free account.

By the looks of it, was are going to have to ditch it and start over with something else.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Okay. Easy (sort of). What you could do right away to take back control of things is:

  1. Create a new Miro account using any email address.
  2. Add your current email/Miro account profile as a team member and grant that address Team Admin role.
  3. While logged in as your current address, and in the current team where you want to keep a copy of the board that you have been working on, you can duplicate the board. Once you do that, you will be the owner of the new board and can move it to the new account.
  4. Then, add all current team members to the new team you created.
  5. Then instruct them to move all the boards to the new team.
  6. Once all boards are moved, everyone can leave the old team, leaving just the ex-Team Admin there, all alone :)

I wrote even more detailed instructions on this here:

Thanks. I actually did all that already but I was hoping there was a quick way of deleting the board itself. Apparently not. Can I delete all the cards though - would they then be recoverable? 

I have decided to use Trello going forward as it suits our needs better. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12


Can I delete all the cards though - would they then be recoverable? 

Under the board history: activity, deleted content is recoverable for up to 90 days.
