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Miro for PhD thesis

  • November 19, 2021
  • 2 replies

Hello everyone,

I am new to Miro and so far I like it very much!!
I was introduced to it last summer at an academic event and I am interested in using Miro for my own research.
I would like to use Miro for presenting my PhD artistic research practice and already see its infinite possibilities. I have a few very important for me questions before committing to it and start creating on it:

The mural I will create will be my actual PhD thesis, which will have to able to be downloaded in its whole in pdf form! So, the downloading possibilities and pdf conversion of every detail is super important for me! For example, I am watching all videos and resources and have not seen if that will be possible for word.documents I will be uploading. I tried that and the first page only of the document was converted. I suppose that alternatively I can put the document separately next to the converted mural?

I also want to make sure that all links on mural will be clickable when I convert to pdf.

What about other elements?

Is everything usually converted to pdf?

I am insisting on this, because the thesis will be accessed online by the examiners, but it must also exist in pdf form.  


I am not creating this to work in collaboration with other people. Only my two supervisors will have access to suggest changes and also my examiners who will need to access it, and only view the mural as part of my viva examination.

Does the Team plan sound as the best subscription plan in this case? 

It is a huge decision to make and want to make sure that I am making the right decision for my PhD thesis. I am aware of other doctorate students using websites for the presentation of their artistic research projects but I find Miro better, it literally gives you the whole picture of the research in one glance.

It would be very helpful to know if you are aware of other people using Miro for their PhD theses.

Thank you very much in advance!

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2 replies

  • Mironeer
  • 104 replies
  • November 22, 2021

Hi Chris!

This sounds awesome! We’d be so excited for you to use Miro for your phd thesis and we are thrilled to hear how much you like it!

Let me try and go through your questions one by one!

Our Education plan might also be interesting for you: Miro provides a free Educational account to staff members and students of educational institutions. Why don’t you go and check if you match the criteria and apply for an Education plan?!

I hope this helps! We’d be delighted to welcome you!:pencil2::tada:

Claudia Mayer

Dear Chris,

interesting question! I’m starting my Phd trying to maximize Miro as the main platform. 

Let me know if you’re keen to connect & share our experience?

