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Migration from Lucid Suit to Miro

Hello Community!


I am currently exploring Miro as a potential tool for my company’s business needs. I’ve tested manual import of lucidcharts and lucidspark files and discovered quality limitations like

  • bigger and more complex lucidspark boards need to be uploaded as .png (instead of .svg)
  • Content in a Miro board cannot exceed 32MP, which means that larger boards may need to be split into two separate boards (files) in Miro.

Having access to Miro Free plan only I’ve met another limitation related to Help Center page ( where I found this instruction:

but it doesn’t comply with reality:

I'm currently facing a challenge and exploring ways to smoothly migrate content from Lucid to Miro.

My goal is to present a clear migration procedure to the management team.

Is there any actual way to bulk import content from Lucidchart and Lucidspark into Miro?


Thanks in advance,

Angelika Nowak

Jr IT Admin

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