
Microsoft Teams link integration broken?

  • 1 April 2024
  • 1 reply

Our company uses Microsoft Teams as our primary form of communication, so the Miro integration chat within Microsoft Teams has been super useful.  When you clicked the link in Microsoft Teams, it used to automatically open the board and drop your cursor over the relevant message.  However, for the past few months that feature has been broken, and now everyone just gets a popup that says “Sorry, the linked item has been deleted from this board” (even though the comment bubble has not been deleted).  There is a way to find the comment again via the Comments sidebar, but it is roundabout and annoying to do so.  Does anyone know a way to get the Microsoft Teams integration working again?


The Miro integration in Microsoft Teams.  Normally you could follow this link and get redirected to the correstponding Comment bubble.
The error popup that happens when you follow the link now.


1 reply

Userlevel 2

I’ve really struggled to get Teams users to use the app at all. They just share their browser window. You’ve reminded me that I have a separate question about Teams integration that I need to ask. 

This comment so that I follow the thread. 
