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Filter function to show/hide specific objects?

  • January 28, 2022
  • 7 replies
  • Ronald van Vliet

Hello everyone!


I have a short question:

Our team would really love to have a function which makes it that Board-Users/Viewers can filter what elements they see, e.g. sort of a slider to show connection arrows of only one color (and hide the others) or some MC-boxes to tick so that Users can select if they want to see all frames or just a selection of them.

Especially for big and complicated boards with a lot of information I think it would be nice to “filter” the information and the objects that are shown on the board.


If there already is a similar function or anyone has an idea of how to realize this, please contact me! 


Thank you for your help and ideas!

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7 replies

  • Mironeer
  • 6 replies
  • February 2, 2022

Hi Dominik,


Currently Miro has made it possible to filter the search results on the board. You can look up all the stickies with one particular tag or search among text notes only. In case you need to move, group or edit the objects, you may select all of them with one click or select only a part of them while holding Shift. Below link has more information on how to use filter on the board:

Zinnia, unfortunately your answer misses the concept which was requested. As I also would appreciate such a feature, I will provide another example for Miro’s consideration.

Imagine a board where project planning is underway. It may be desirable for a team to be able to add certain objects to a visibility group, to turn them on or off through some kind of simple control switchboard, ideally an object itself in the board which can be placed by the user wherever they want in relationship to objects it controls.

When working on the plan with the various teams, they could hide all the aspects that are not relevant for their subteam. When showing the plan to stakeholders, all the lower-level tasks and non-critical dependency lines could be hidden, so just the big important milestones and activities remain.

Such a feature could also be used for preparing a board, in a way like using animation to slowly introduce information in a complex slide deck, where the board leader isn’t limited to always moving around the board in order to display/add more for the participants to interact with.

Ideally an object could be a member of multiple visibility groups, but I imagine for basic users one per object would be enough.

James Ferguson

This would actually be a very powerful tool for us as well. Specifically visually filtering based on tags.

Trying to visually represent work where a particular team is tagged quickly. Even if it was just a highlight on those items filtered to.

Simply selecting them all via search is just a visual cacophony. Plus we might have duplicated cards as we work to consolidate information. So we end up having to supplement good visuals with worse spreadsheets.

  • Mironeer
  • 277 replies
  • May 26, 2022

Hey @Dominik Diermann, @Chris Davidson, and @James Ferguson!   

Thank you all for sharing your use cases and how filtering functionality can improve your experience while working with Miro! Let me convert this topic to a Wish List idea, so other users can upvote it to raise the awareness of our Product team!

There are two use cases that would make this feature a major enhancement, and I think I may see both in the comments above:

  1. Chunking - nested categories/frames/groupings that may be collapsed in view to hide contents but still show a descriptive label. This allows for different discussions/presentations at appropriate levels of granularity. “show me our process at the highest level of grouping. now let’s look more closely at this one part, and dive even further into the steps in that one part.”
  2. Filtering - views showing limited content on a board, allowing for focused presentation for different audiences. Similar to perspective taking or dimensional views. “show me our model when seen from the perspective of org dev, or of customer interfaces”

p.s. the tool Plectica does this extremely well, but it’s lacking in many areas where miro excels. It would be a huge plus for communication and collaboration with different groups if miro could add it!

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • May 13, 2024

Has this progressed at all? I’d really benefit from a filter/slicer option on the data diagram I use.

Slightly different to above use cases, I have a high level model of the source systems, the entities, the database model, and then the reports. Super useful as a visual tool to understand all the sources, entities & relationships at a high-level, and to roughly track through dependencies and impacts of changes.

But with many reports using varying combinations of these sources for different purposes, and I don’t want to maintain dozens of individual models, all very similar and have to be separately maintained, so I’d love an option to tag each part of the model to say which report it’s used in. Each may be used in multiple reports so simple keywords or similar data attributes option would do. Then provide a filter on these and Miro could bolden all the objects with the selected tag(s), or some similar visual change to highlight the selection.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • February 7, 2025

Still needed.  The concept of a sticky note is that you see all the pink notes, and the trained eye knows those are all product releases laid out on the calendar.  But I have 7 other colored sticky notes.  I want to be able to quickly leave the calendar as a background, but toggle off the 6 other colors so I only see the pink sticky notes.  This is great for executive briefings, delegating ownership, etc.  Thank you.
