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Connect one node (sticky, rectangle, card, text, etc) to multiple nodes (sticky, rectangle, card, text, etc)

Related products:Mapping & Diagramming
  • July 25, 2024
  • 1 reply
  • Erica Zambrano
  • Warren Beam
  • Amy Ballew
  • Tetsuyuki Mutou
    Tetsuyuki Mutou

This is not a mind map node.

Take any Miro object (sticky, rectangle, card, text, etc). I am calling them nodes.

I would like to connect one node to many nodes, and vice versa from many node to one node, in a single operation.

This would be very helpful while building information architecture or depicting relationships between pieces of information.

This is a pain-to-do if there are multiple nodes (sometimes 100s) to connect to or connect from.



Suggested workflow 1.

  1. User selects the start node
  2. User clicks and drags from one of the connection nodes
  3. User press and holds ‘Shift’ button while selecting destination node.
    1. User continue to hold ‘Shift’ while clicking on multiple destination nodes
    2. User can also continue to hold ‘Shift’ and click and drag a rectangular border around multiple nodes
  4. The start node is connected to the multiple selected nodes.


Suggested workflow 2.

  1. User selects the multiple nodes
  2. User presses ‘Shift’ and clicks & drags from one of the connection nodes from one of the selected node to another end node
  3. Each of the multiple selected nodes are connected to the single end node.
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1 reply

  • Mironeer
  • 922 replies
  • July 26, 2024

hi @Samir Jadhav 


Thanks so much for taking the time to submit this idea and your feedback. Love the diagrams and the details! We appreciate it!


Should our team have any other questions, they will be sure to follow up.  For those coming across this idea, if you feel it's helpful to have or have additional suggestions, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request.
