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I have a number of boards starred from different teams that I’m not a member of. Usually I can access all of them from the “starred” section of the Home area but now it seems that any starred section only represented the starred boards from that team. If I go to the starred boards from a direct link, they still clearly show starred for me.

What the heck happened with access rights and quick access? Is this a glitch of my view or a general change to how Miro operates?

@Vanessa Toye - I am also missing most of my starred boards when I go to the Starred boards page. It appears that I am only seeing boards that I own, and not boards owned by others, and in other spaces/teams.

I have opened a support ticket and will update this post as I hear back from the support team.


Opening your own support ticket

However, if you are using a paid Miro subscription, you can open your own Miro support ticket by following these instructions:

What I did note that is concerning is that for both the Recent and Starred pages, it seems to indicate this is only for the organization, i.e., Business or Enterprise subscriptions/spaces – presumably the same for other plans. If this is correct and was an intentional change, this is fundamentally different and creates a huge gap.


YUP. In which case I might start encouraging the team to use a different tool since we’re not heavy users of the more advanced features and could likely easily transition to MS whiteboard as it has significantly improved as of late and is more accessible for our stakeholders.

Hi @Vanessa Toye,


Eca here from Miro.


As per the support team:

“The update to the Recent and Starred boards functionality was made to address security concerns that arose from displaying boards across multiple organizations in the previous UI. With the New UI, these tabs are now limited to showing boards from the organization you are currently part of.”


While this change was implemented to enhance security, I understand how it may have impacted your workflow.

For easier access, the support team recommends bookmarking frequently used boards in your browser. Additionally, the team is actively working on updating the Help Center with more detailed information about this change.


Here’s another thread with the same discussion:
