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Opened Miro today and the dashboard that used to be full of all my recent boards is now full of boards I have never visited before. They are boards owned by people associated with me but how do I find recently opened boards regardless of team? I have checked through each team via the search bar and nothing shows.

Also on the ios app on my phone the dashboard is full of these recent boards so I know they exist within my account just do not see them on desktop.

Thank you for any help

@CalebS - Regardless of which team/org dashboard I am on, I have a Recent option, which appears to be functioning as it did before, i.e., it is showing any boards I have recently accessed, regardless of which dashboard I am on - do you have this and is it working for you?


Here is a direct link →

And some more info on the new Spaces dashboard →



Also on the ios app on my phone the dashboard is full of these recent boards so I know they exist within my account just do not see them on desktop.

I can’t speak to iOS, but on the Android Miro app, it is showing the same as what I see when I go to:


@Robert Johnson thanks for responding so quick, I also see that option. However before there were all recent boards I had ever visited regardless of teams. I am not exactly sure how the teams work but many of these boards I feel weren't assigned to teams just links emailed to me by professors that I know are still active boards.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding teams but even now I go revisit these boards by finding the link through past emails but they no longer show in recent on by dashboard.

@CalebS - I just had a look at my Starred boards page and am only seeing three boards, when I know I way more that that starred. I have also noticed several other issues this morning since (what appears to be) the larger rollout of the new dashboards and board simplified UI. I suspect that Miro is aware of these issues and is working on them. Hopefully someone from Miro will chime in here.

@Robert Johnson Ok that makes sense glad I am not alone, was not aware of the new rollout but thanks for responding hopefully they fix it soon.

I’ve just checked my recent boards and don’t see any boards which I had an access before as a guest user. I starred the board, BUT I can't see it anywhere. Has miro done something with it?

@LVA i have the same problem. i wrote the question but did not get any direct answer on what to do with that. If you’re on a paid subscription, you can open a Support Ticket to get assistance. personally I do not have one, so i guess we should just wait for the issue to be fixed 

Hi @LVA and @Maryna Melnychenko,


Thanks for sharing with us the experience you encountered on your dashboard!

Apart from the recent and starred tab in the dashboard:


You may also check the filters of your dashboard and set them up like the following:


If this does not help, since you mentioned you were guest users, it’s possible your access has been removed. I recommend reaching out to the person who originally shared the board link with you to confirm if your access is still valid.


Also, If you’re interested in learning more about some of Miro’s biggest product updates that may be relevant to your use case, save your spot here at our Canvas ‘24 event happening October 8th. Please let me know if you have any additional questions – happy to help!

I have opened a support ticket of the same issue. I received a reply today: 

“I've checked the behaviour with the team. They've come back reporting that the functionality of Recent and Starred boards has changed from displaying boards from all teams and organisations to the current organisation only.”


So unfortunately it has nothing to do with filters or removal of access. It’s just a change in how the desktop and web app works. The iOS app still has the old functionality like you mentioned. 

Hi @Markus Olsson,


Thank you for sharing the update from your support ticket. It’s helpful to know that the functionality of Recent and Starred boards has changed, limiting visibility to boards from the current organization only. This aligns with some other reports we’ve seen in the community.


For users who are seeing different behavior between the web/desktop app and the iOS app, it sounds like the apps may be on different update cycles. I’ll be sure to pass this feedback to the product team, and if we receive any updates on this change or future improvements, we’ll post them here.


Thanks again for your patience as the team works on these changes! If anyone else has questions or runs into similar issues, feel free to share, and we’ll do our best to assist.

Sorry this thread is now old but is there now no way to access boards that I have been emailed access to but not a member of the teams of the board? This feels like a step back in ease of access now that all of the boards I once had simply in my recently used tab are only accessible by going back to old emails to access.

Hi @Markus Olsson,


Thank you for sharing the update from your support ticket. It’s helpful to know that the functionality of Recent and Starred boards has changed, limiting visibility to boards from the current organization only. This aligns with some other reports we’ve seen in the community.


For users who are seeing different behavior between the web/desktop app and the iOS app, it sounds like the apps may be on different update cycles. I’ll be sure to pass this feedback to the product team, and if we receive any updates on this change or future improvements, we’ll post them here.


Thanks again for your patience as the team works on these changes! If anyone else has questions or runs into similar issues, feel free to share, and we’ll do our best to assist.

Hello! I’m sorry to bother you, but could you please elaborate on this update?

The inability to view global starred and recent boards is a small workflow disaster. I can’t even imagine how this change could be justified.

Could you direct me to relevant resources where I can find information on this change and submit my complaints?

Hi @Kit Sowka,


Thank you for reaching out and sharing your feedback!


The update to the Recent and Starred boards functionality was made to address security concerns that arose from displaying boards across multiple organizations in the previous UI. With the New UI, these tabs are now limited to showing boards from the organization you are currently part of. While this change was implemented to enhance security, I understand how it may have impacted your workflow.

For easier access, the support team recommends bookmarking frequently used boards in your browser. Additionally, the team is actively working on updating the Help Center with more detailed information about this change.


In the meantime, if you'd like to submit feedback or complaints, you can share it here and I will be sure to pass it on to the team. You may also submit it via support team’s contact form


Thank you again for your patience, and feel free to reach out if you have any further questions!

As someone who works with a lot of clients in Miro who are not team members on my account, this change has made our lives a lot more difficult. We’ve fielded a least a half a dozen “Where can I find that board?” in the last week alone. I understand the security concerns, but on the flip side, this was the key way our clients could always find their workspaces in our accounts. Because Miro has no easy way to invite guests to boards from outside the team, we now will have to provide the Miro board links to our clients in every email we send to them so they always have it handy. Bookmarking the link doesn’t work for those who use the Miro app, and most people do not organize their bookmarks any better than their email, so this is not a great workaround as well. And this is yet another change not communicated by Miro that affects us in a big way. Annoying.
