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How to copy boards containing Talktracks between plans? Export/import doesn't include the Talktracks.

Hi everyone

Does anyone know how to migrate a Miro Board _incuding_ its Talktracks from one Miro Subscription (the client’s) to another Miro Subscription (the consultant’s)?

Basically, I’ve recently finished developing a proof of concept educational programme for a client using Talktracks as audio walkthroughs on the various topics, and when I exported (from their plan) and imported (into my plan), everything was there except the Talktracks.  Given this is it’s main selling point, it’d be great if I could get them too.

Any ideas, anyone?  Or is this a known limitation at this time and I’ll have to re-do all of the Talktracks on the restored version of the board in my plan?

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • April 15, 2024

@Darren Thatcher - If you need to maintain a copy of the board in its current location, then you could duplicate the board and move one of the boards (the original or the duplicate - consider if the original was perhaps linked to from somewhere, if so, leave it behind) to the new team space/subscription - the caveat with this scenario is that your Miro account profile needs to be the owner of the board, and a member of both team spaces.

If you do not need to maintain a copy of the boards, you can skip the "duplicate" step and just move them.

Let us know if that doesn't work!

Hi @Robert Johnson 

‘duplicate board’ won’t work:  that will simply ‘copy-n-paste’ one board to another within the same Miro Plan (the client’s) and I no longer have access to the client’s subscription (the email address my client granted me and the SSO);  all I have is that I made the board ‘public’ and password protected and permission from the client that I could take the board with me (they will continue to use it, I’m also permitted to take my work away with me to use it elsewhere e.g. with other clients)

What I’m seeking is a ‘move’ (from client’s Miro Subscription/Plan to my own (the consultant’s plan))

As far as I can tell, an ‘export board (into .rtb file downloaded locally on the laptop) and uploaded into my personal (consultant’s/business) plan) does not contain the Talktracks…

The loss of the Talktracks is a critical factor here:  I spent the best part of 2-3 months to record these Talktracks and to be forced to re-record them in the restored .rtb file will take a very long time.  It can be done, of course, but I’d rather not if I can help it...

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • April 17, 2024

@Darren Thatcher

‘duolicate’ won’t work:  that will simply ‘copy-n-paste’ one board to another within the same Miro Plan (the client’s).

What I’m seeking is a ‘move’ (from client’s Miro Subscription/Plan to my own (the consultant’s plan))

As long as you are the owner of a board, you will have the “move” action, so you can “move” a board to another team space:


I suggested duplicating the board first in case, for example, you created a board for your client and wanted them to have a copy (with a Talktrack) but you also wanted a copy with a Talktrack. Again, if you do not want them to have a copy, then you would just move the board. Note: This will only work if (a) your account profile, i.e., email address, is a member of both teams and (b) you are the owner of the board.
