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I was searching for a way to enable contributors to contribute without exposing their content to the group until the facilitator exposes them.

This is really helpful in retrospectives so that participants do not influence each other with their input. This feature does exist in Mural (private mode).It also exist in free tools like metroretro but here the participants need to expose their stickies to the group (Not really handy for facilitators to rely on the group). 

Is it correct that this feature is not available? If so is there already a feature request for this feature?

@Floor Verschure - Similar to Mural’s confetti/celebration feature, it is also not currently possible for Miro board participants to create private objects on the board that can then later be made visible to all by the board owner/facilitator - strike two for Miro at the moment I’m afraid :rolling_eyes:

I would suggest adding this request as a comment to the existing Usage rights for facilitators vs. participants Wish List Idea and probably creating your own Idea/feature request for this as I cannot find one that closely matches what you’re describing.

@Robert Johnson : Thanks. Followed both of your recommendations. The idea is also submitted here:


@Floor Blindenbach -

Not a full workaround, but a partial one. Why not use the bulk mode for creating sticky notes? That way, each participant would enter in their ideas and when the facilitator said “reveal”, they could create the sticky notes based on them...

and then


@Kiron Bondale : thanks. This might work in some workshops however many of my workshops use different sectors where participants can place thein input and as such bulk mode would be a bit cumbersome, but indeed a way to reduce influencing each other until miro has implemented my feature request.

If you like my idea, please vite for it here: