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Dave Verduyn

I just discovered Miro and am very excited about it’s amazing functionality but a NEWBIE so sorry for the basic questions - watched a few videos but am still unsure on a few things ...

I’m wondering if this is possible … I want to be able to do all the below 5 things with my PURCHASED  Miro Consultant Package without paying ANY additional fees.  Is this possible?

  • Be able to invite people from other companies to participate in a Miro board I will create.​​​​​​
  • I want to be able to see their mice move when they work.
  • I want them to be able to add sticky notes, vote, comment, etc.
  • I don't want them to be able to copy elements from the board and save them.  (I want to control what parts of the board I send them.  I see that I can do this, great feature)
  • Is all the above possible without being charged more?

Misc additional questions:

  • If I draw a curvy line, can I delete a “control point” on it?  (I see how to add them but not delete them)
  • Can frames work within other frames?
  • Is there any point when you have too much data on a board, let's say several pictures and pdfs. Can the files get too big to work well?
  • Where are the files stored? On the web and local computer?
  • Can anyone point me to a good video on how to manage (and create) different teams/projects with different people from different companies.  I will/may have 7 teams I am working with from 2 different companies with different people on each team.  Struggling on how to do that. 

Sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance for anyone who can answer them!!

Best answer by Robert Johnson

@Dave Verduyn - Welcome to Miro!

I’ll try to answer what I can.

  • Be able to invite people from other companies to participate in a Miro board I will create.​​​​​​

Yes, using the (Anonymous) Guest Editor feature. You just set the board’s Share settings to Anyone with the link → Can edit (or Comment or View) and send them the link. You can even password protect the boards using the Guest Editor feature.

Essentially, anyone outside of your team, i.e., has a paid seat, is considered a “Guest”. I put “Anonymous” in parenthesis because, if the person doesn’t have a Miro account (or isn’t signed in), they will be considered “anonymous”, which leads into your next question...

  • I want to be able to see their mice move when they work.

Yes. However, if they don't have a Miro account, you will see some random name, e.g., Guest Editor or Guest Artisan. I expect that eventually Miro will be allowing anonymous guests to enter a name. In the meantime, here’s a post I wrote on a trick on how to accomplish this right now.


  • I want them to be able to add sticky notes, vote, comment, etc.


  • I don't want them to be able to copy elements from the board and save them.  (I want to control what parts of the board I send them.  I see that I can do this, great feature)

Yes - for everyone’s reference, you can control this using the Board Content Settings feature. Here’s an in-depth post I wrote on this feature.


  • Is all the above possible without being charged more?

You guessed it… yes!


  • If I draw a curvy line, can I delete a “control point” on it?  (I see how to add them but not delete them)

Do you mean a Connection Line? And these points?

If so, no, I do not believe this is possible.


  • Can frames work within other frames?

Yes, and no. Weird things happen. E.g., if you put frame A into frame B and then move frame B, frame A doesn’t move too. Also, Locking behaviour is strange inside of frames.

  • Is there any point when you have too much data on a board, let's say several pictures and pdfs. Can the files get too big to work well?

The more objects you put in boards, the more computer processing resources are required to render that board. Here are some tips:

  • Where are the files stored? On the web and local computer?


  • Can anyone point me to a good video on how to manage (and create) different teams/projects with different people from different companies.  I will/may have 7 teams I am working with from 2 different companies with different people on each team.  Struggling on how to do that. 


There aren’t many good videos about this - most of the videos are around board content and using Miro boards. One of these I highly recommend is @Robert Kienzle‘s Miro Walkthrough: All Functions and Features YouTube video.

Help Center articles:


And within your Consultant Plan settings, here is where you add new teams:




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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • Answer
  • April 9, 2021

@Dave Verduyn - Welcome to Miro!

I’ll try to answer what I can.

  • Be able to invite people from other companies to participate in a Miro board I will create.​​​​​​

Yes, using the (Anonymous) Guest Editor feature. You just set the board’s Share settings to Anyone with the link → Can edit (or Comment or View) and send them the link. You can even password protect the boards using the Guest Editor feature.

Essentially, anyone outside of your team, i.e., has a paid seat, is considered a “Guest”. I put “Anonymous” in parenthesis because, if the person doesn’t have a Miro account (or isn’t signed in), they will be considered “anonymous”, which leads into your next question...

  • I want to be able to see their mice move when they work.

Yes. However, if they don't have a Miro account, you will see some random name, e.g., Guest Editor or Guest Artisan. I expect that eventually Miro will be allowing anonymous guests to enter a name. In the meantime, here’s a post I wrote on a trick on how to accomplish this right now.


  • I want them to be able to add sticky notes, vote, comment, etc.


  • I don't want them to be able to copy elements from the board and save them.  (I want to control what parts of the board I send them.  I see that I can do this, great feature)

Yes - for everyone’s reference, you can control this using the Board Content Settings feature. Here’s an in-depth post I wrote on this feature.


  • Is all the above possible without being charged more?

You guessed it… yes!


  • If I draw a curvy line, can I delete a “control point” on it?  (I see how to add them but not delete them)

Do you mean a Connection Line? And these points?

If so, no, I do not believe this is possible.


  • Can frames work within other frames?

Yes, and no. Weird things happen. E.g., if you put frame A into frame B and then move frame B, frame A doesn’t move too. Also, Locking behaviour is strange inside of frames.

  • Is there any point when you have too much data on a board, let's say several pictures and pdfs. Can the files get too big to work well?

The more objects you put in boards, the more computer processing resources are required to render that board. Here are some tips:

  • Where are the files stored? On the web and local computer?


  • Can anyone point me to a good video on how to manage (and create) different teams/projects with different people from different companies.  I will/may have 7 teams I am working with from 2 different companies with different people on each team.  Struggling on how to do that. 


There aren’t many good videos about this - most of the videos are around board content and using Miro boards. One of these I highly recommend is @Robert Kienzle‘s Miro Walkthrough: All Functions and Features YouTube video.

Help Center articles:


And within your Consultant Plan settings, here is where you add new teams:




Dave Verduyn
  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • April 10, 2021

@Robert Johnson  - Thanks much for your prompt and thorough response!!  I will need to dive into the links you gave me and study a bit before I come back with more questions.

but … 3 more Quick questions:

  1. Do people need to register with Miro to participate in my meetings? or can they join the meeting without doing anything, just clicking a link. 
  2. If I’m working with people who DO NOT have a paid plan, will a board be confidential from the public if I: a) password protect it, and b) change the link after the meeting is done as a form of protection from someone getting the link and password?? (Not sure you can change the link)
  3. If I only want people to participate in a workshop, (I am the only creator and owner of the board)  is it true that I don’t ever need to use “day passes”?  … (I’m slowly catching on I think, sorry for my ignorance)


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • April 10, 2021

@Dave Verduyn 


  1. Do people need to register with Miro to participate in my meetings? or can they join the meeting without doing anything, just clicking a link. 
    Nope. Just click the link. To test this experience, set up a board in Anyone with the link → Can edit, open a private/incognito browser window, and load the board link.
  2. If I’m working with people who DO NOT have a paid plan, will a board be confidential from the public if I: a) password protect it, and b) change the link after the meeting is done as a form of protection from someone getting the link and password?? (Not sure you can change the link)
    Miro doesn’t publish the links/let search engines index them. You cannot change the link of the board, but you can “Duplicate” it which creates a new board, i.e., a new link. Then you could delete the original now that you have a Duplicate:

  3. If I only want people to participate in a workshop, (I am the only creator and owner of the board)  is it true that I don’t ever need to use “day passes”?  … (I’m slowly catching on I think, sorry for my ignorance)
    This is true. Just note that there are some things that guest can NOT do:


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Dave Verduyn
  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • April 10, 2021

Awesome!  Thanks a ton!!

Robert Kienzle

Thanks for the mention and recommending the walk-through I made.

You can totally delete line control points 😁👍 it's even explained on the accepted answer's linked page:

💡To remove extra bends and turns, simply double-click on the white bullet points.