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Customize sticky note and CSV file

  • September 1, 2020
  • 1 reply

Dear Sir/Madam

I am very impressed Miro and want to use it deeply. 

My questions are the following two.

  1. Is it possible to make a custom sticky note. 

for example, as you can see the attachment, we want to use this type of card.This was made by combining several sticky notes. But I want to ask if we can make this card as one item once we request for customizing?

  1. Is it possible to change the way of CSV files are saved?

When I try to save the Miro file as CSV, I can see it is saved in the Excel file in order from the object on the left. But is it possible to change the order of saving in this CSV file by adding tags.?

I hope you will help me soon

thank you very very much.


Best answer by Robert Johnson

Hi @Kaisu and welcome to Miro!

Is it possible to make a custom sticky note? 

While the Miro sticky note object cannot be customized so it created multiple stick notes + a shape, you could exactly as you have shown us in your attached example: make your own custom sticky notes + a rounded rectangle. Then, to make them more useful, you could group them. The steps would be to:

  1. Create the custom group of sticky notes inside of a rounded rectangle
  2. Customize them further as you see fit - size, color, order, etc.
  3. Then group those objects using the Grouping feature by selecting all of the shapes (Shift + drag is a quick shortcut to do this) and and then select Group objects Ctrl+G from the context menu - for more info, search the Structuring Board Content help article for “Grouping”.

Here are those steps in action:


Once the objects are grouped, they will move together when you click and drag.

You could then copy this blank template to somewhere on your board and just copying-and-pasting it when you need a new one. And, and once you are using a Paid Plan, you could save this as a Custom template.

I also tested exporting this grouping of objects to CSV and it worked!



Exports to CSV as this:


Which leads us to your second question of:

Is it possible to change the way of CSV files are saved?

Unfortunately, no you cannot. This is controlled by code in Miro. The only way to control how the sticky notes appear in the CSV is as your already discovered: by lining them up perfectly from left to right.

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7248 replies
  • Answer
  • September 1, 2020

Hi @Kaisu and welcome to Miro!

Is it possible to make a custom sticky note? 

While the Miro sticky note object cannot be customized so it created multiple stick notes + a shape, you could exactly as you have shown us in your attached example: make your own custom sticky notes + a rounded rectangle. Then, to make them more useful, you could group them. The steps would be to:

  1. Create the custom group of sticky notes inside of a rounded rectangle
  2. Customize them further as you see fit - size, color, order, etc.
  3. Then group those objects using the Grouping feature by selecting all of the shapes (Shift + drag is a quick shortcut to do this) and and then select Group objects Ctrl+G from the context menu - for more info, search the Structuring Board Content help article for “Grouping”.

Here are those steps in action:


Once the objects are grouped, they will move together when you click and drag.

You could then copy this blank template to somewhere on your board and just copying-and-pasting it when you need a new one. And, and once you are using a Paid Plan, you could save this as a Custom template.

I also tested exporting this grouping of objects to CSV and it worked!



Exports to CSV as this:


Which leads us to your second question of:

Is it possible to change the way of CSV files are saved?

Unfortunately, no you cannot. This is controlled by code in Miro. The only way to control how the sticky notes appear in the CSV is as your already discovered: by lining them up perfectly from left to right.
