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Consultant Plan - can I also add free members?


we want to use the consultant plan. At the moment we use it with 2 “full licenses”. I would like to add the other team members on the basis of a free license - is this possible?

Or do we need two Plans - 

one free plan - for team members who do not use miro so often

one consultant plan with two full members who use miro heavily?

Thank You for helping!


Best answer by Kiron Bondale

@Coverdale Austria -

Once you are on a paid plan, anyone with full edit access who accesses your boards will be charged to your account. The only free option for editing purposes would be to share boards with these users using the anonymous guest editor access method (


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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • Answer
  • March 21, 2021

@Coverdale Austria -

Once you are on a paid plan, anyone with full edit access who accesses your boards will be charged to your account. The only free option for editing purposes would be to share boards with these users using the anonymous guest editor access method (


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7278 replies
  • March 21, 2021

@Coverdale Austria - To add to @Kiron Bondale‘s comments of using the anonymous guest editor for non-team members to edit your boards, there are actually two scenarios worth mentioning:

First, you would have set the board’s Share settings as follows:

  1. Anonymous Guest Editor - This is where someone with no Miro account at all clicks on a link that to a board that you have set above. When they are on the board, you will not see their name beside their cursor - instead, you will see the word “guest”. You also won’t see who added/deleted objects in the board’s Activity List history - hence the use of the word anonymous. However, Miro very well change this one day and allow the guests to enter a desired name. One last thing to mention about accessing boards with no Miro account all: The users will have to keep track of the board links that are shared with them, e.g., by email (more on this later).
  2. Guest Editor - The difference here is that the person accessing your board does have a Miro account. They could have the Free Plan, but they could also have a paid seat on an infinite number of other teams - the key point here is that they are NOT a paid member of the team where the board they are accessing resides, therefore they are considered a guest on that board. Two benefits of accessing board’s as a guest vs anonymous guest:
    1. Their name will show up beside their cursor and in the Activity List.
    2. They can choose to “star”/bookmark the board and later get back to it more easily by clicking on “Starred boards” from their Miro dashboard:


And then find it here:


Note: The Starred board’s page show all boards that you have starred, no matter which Miro account/team they are located in.

Just keep in mind that, once you click on Starred boards, you will be taken back there the next time you open your Dashboard. This is important as you may find yourself confused as you can’t see some of the boards you are expecting to see. If this happens, just click on All boards.

More on Starred boards in the Dashboard → Starred boards Help Center article: