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Automatic post age-timer display

  • January 14, 2025
  • 0 replies

Im looking for a method to have the age of a ( most likley sticky note but could be images ) displayed along side the item.

Dealing with a lot of contributors on time sensitive boards, where if an update is expected in 2 days and it takes 3 that will mess with scheduling. But it can be tricky to constanly check the age of posts to ensure they are all within the time limit. 

Having a timer or age counter that would easily show postA is 1 days old postX is 3 days old so i can focus down on catching the outliers would be insanely helpfull 

Also being able to add a countdown timer for a deadline such as 1 months from now not only hours would be amazing 

I have found this which seems to solve my needs but its not appearing on the marketplace so need to see if its no longer an option, is there a better option or any inhouse ways to do this im missing

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