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Workfront integration

  • June 16, 2021
  • 1 reply
  • Marina
  • Lorraine Marsh
  • Max Goldschwartz
  • Charlie Portelli

Barbara Sedlack

Adobe Workfront is an online work management solution, similar to Jira. I believe Workfront is the leading work management tool used by internal creative departments globally, so plenty of users!

It would be great to be able to move content, like agile cards and process maps, back and forth between Miro and Workfront, or push whiteboard frames/content as PDFs/images into Workfront and attach them to specific project or task objects.

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Barbara Sedlack

FYI, there is also a Workfront idea for a Miro/Workfront integration. If you are a Workfront customer with access to the Community, vote for that idea too!

Idea: Workfront - Miro integration
