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Word Cloud feature

  • February 22, 2021
  • 6 replies

One way I try to use Miro is to embed any powerpoints and other platforms I may be presenting from into Miro and then navigating participations/audience members throughout different parts of the board. This minimizes the number of platforms I need to transition between as well as enables me to facilitate multiple functions through one platform with participants (e.g. presenting and brainstorming). 

In a recent presentation, I’d really like to embed a word cloud into the board for participants to respond to and populate in real time but noticed this integration hasn’t been developed yet, so adding it here as a wishlist item! I read up on the thread about ‘wordle type word clouds,’ and what I’m looking for isn’t to embed the word cloud after the fact and after the results are ready, but having the blank word cloud embedded and as participants respond it will show up within the word cloud in the board. Thanks!

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I wonder if you could embed one of the instant polling / word cloud services like Mentimeter? I know they’ve got a plugin for PowerPoint and Office365. Voting / submission can be done via the web and phone too.

On reflection though, I’m not sure that word clouds are consistent with the collaborative, democratic approach that Miro encourages. And I find them “interesting  but not so useful”. I rarely get a rich dialogue going from a word cloud, and don’t really produce any insight. 

I think in the future, I’ll stick to brainstorming, clarifying and clustering where shared understanding is needed. And where I want to quickly gauge the group’s views on an issue (energy / break now? / options for the next session) I’d use voting.

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  • November 28, 2022

beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful  beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful  welsh welsh welsh welsh scenic scenic scenic beautiful historic quiet quiet quiet quiet cold cold cold pretty pretty pretty friendly friendly friendly lovely picturesque picturesque mountainous mountainous idyllic welcoming boring gorgeous green town calm calm calm calm nice  

In our organization I get all the time asked if we can have word cloud within the Miro board. 

We would be really happy if you would make it native to Miro!

I’d love to have a Word Cloud feature in Miro, which I know MentiMeter has.

  • Mironeer
  • 1606 replies
  • February 13, 2025

Hi ​@EmilyClark123,


Thanks so much for taking the time to upvote this idea. Our team is reviewing all requests and it’s open for votes and comments. 


For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!


Thank you again for helping make Miro better!

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • March 6, 2025

Hi team! I’m still new to Miro but my boss very specifically asked for a word cloud!! Does anyone know the current status of this being added??
