OCR (Text Recognition)

Related products: Other

Wondering if the Miro team has given any thought to the idea of text recognition for .pdfs added to boards? The search feature of Miro, combined with OCR, would be amazing (assuming it is possible.) I’m able to search using text recognition in Google Drive and I get pretty great results. 

My use case would be: Searching street names on .pdf maps I have uploaded onto Miro Boards.

This would make miro to a great notetaking app. I work with several pdfs from teacher or from web, so it would be nice if you can search for words.

Is this feasible, Miro team? I also posted a wish list item for allowing “search within boards” for all paid plans. You can see what I’m interested in...

Isn’t this similar to what’s advertised here:



I can’t see how to use this OCR feature that’s advertised in stickyNOtes?

I’m still here trying to figure this one out. You can upload from the app OK, though the need to crop is a real slow down. 

But how to do it within app?

+1 for this.  I bring all documents for a project (word, powerpoint, pdf, etc...) into the one Miro board as an overviewand an OCR based search over everything would be brilliant  :-)

plz, make it happen. it would be so useful when searching in the text of PDFs


+1 for the suggestion

PDFExchange Editor is really nice on PC and allows OCR of PDFs.

Check out DEVONthink if you have a mac.

See this post for more details


This would be very useful even if it just allows you to copy the text within an image (or imported slide). For PDF slides this might not even require OCR

We should probably get miro to work with OpenAI. I understand they are working with companies like Descript.com and have large budgets for integrating their technology.


chat.openai.com gives me many suggestions. Here's a conversation I had with it regarding possibilities:


  • Customer service: Develop chatbots that can communicate with customers in natural language, providing 24/7 customer service support.
  • Fraud detection: Identify fraudulent activities in real-time.
  • Personalized recommendations: Analyze customer data and provide personalized product recommendations.
  • Sentiment analysis: Analyze social media data and customer feedback to determine the sentiment towards a product or service.
  • Content creation: Generate high-quality content, such as product descriptions, marketing copy, and social media posts.
  • Predictive maintenance: Analyze sensor data from machines and predict when maintenance is required.
  • Content moderation: Detect inappropriate or offensive content in Miro boards.
  • Automatic tagging: Automatically tag content in Miro boards, such as images, text, and shapes.
  • Image recognition: Recognize images in Miro boards and suggest related content or actions.
  • Text recognition: Recognize handwritten or typed text in Miro boards and convert it to digital text.
  • Smart formatting: Suggest formatting changes to text in Miro boards, such as adjusting font size, color, or alignment.
  • Task automation: Automate repetitive tasks in Miro boards, such as resizing or rearranging objects.
  • User management: Analyze user behavior and identify patterns to detect potential security threats or unauthorized access.
  • Access control: Analyze user permissions and suggest changes based on the content and context of Miro boards.
  • Anomaly detection: Detect anomalous behavior in user activity to identify potential security breaches or unauthorized access.
  • Security alerts: Analyze text in Miro boards for sensitive information and alert administrators to potential security risks.
  • Compliance monitoring: Monitor Miro boards for compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Content-based search: Analyze the content of Miro boards to identify relevant information based on keywords, topics, and other criteria.
  • Activity-based search: Analyze the activity information available in Miro boards to identify patterns and correlations between user interactions and board content.
  • Summarization and categorization: Analyze text in Miro boards to identify key themes, summarize content, and categorize information.
  • Recommendation engines: Analyze user behavior and content in Miro boards to suggest relevant content and actions for future work.
  • Time-based analysis: Analyze the date information available in Miro boards to identify trends and patterns in board activity over time.

 +1 for suggestion.

At least for Apple device users - you can use Vision framework to recognise text in images and so on.

It’s completely free and client solution

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and share feedback about this feature. Our team is reviewing this idea and will follow up if there are any updates we can share. Thank you for your patience and commitment to making Miro better!

Miro Community Team