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Locking everything but writing

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I run brainstorms in Miro and have new users coming in all the time. They are usually not tech savvy and have challenges navigating. 

I’d love if I could set up the boards with blank posits and lock everything BUT the writing, so they can write, but not move, resize anything, just write their idea. 

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11 replies

This is really something that would increase the usability of miro and other requests have been made. Hope that the developers listen to the users!

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • March 3, 2021

I wholeheartedly second this idea. It would be great if board privileges could include a “switch” so that everything on the board EXCEPT the post-its either becomes locked, or unlocked. 

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • May 22, 2021
Miguel Cabra wrote:

I run brainstorms in Miro and have new users coming in all the time. They are usually not tech savvy and have challenges navigating. 

I’d love if I could set up the boards with blank posits and lock everything BUT the writing, so they can write, but not move, resize anything, just write their idea. 

I totally agree, I would really need the option to lock the structure of what you created but leave the writing open to defined objects!

Scott Schick

This also causes issues with Zapier,  I will lock a Google Sheet so it will not move but then Zapier can not update or change any of the setting because it is locked.  Having it functionally unlocked but locked Position-ly would be much less frustrating.

This function would be extremely useful in my organization as well, since we often use locked shape-based structures to collect ideas from clients during workshops. At the moment this can only be done by adding an unlocked text box.

It's incredible this doesn't yet exist. I sometimes work with very large groups and you can be certain someone will move or distort unlocked shapes while trying to put content in.

It would not only go for sticky notes, but for any shape where text can be added, especially tables

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • December 11, 2021

This is a MUST Feature for everyone preparing & facilitating online WS with Miro.

I costs so much time to lock a board/all its elements individually before a workshop, unlock again for changes. 

Please Miro Team.

In the meanwhile I am looking forward to tipps and your strategies in locking boards for workshops. I still havent found a satisfying solution how to do this… Thx.

For some workshop use cases, we need to be able to lock element position but enable filling in text for elements which support that. 

I use cards sometimes because of their flexible metadata structure and mild graphic appearance, and what I need them to do is: stay put, mostly, but accept text input.  Like…(shock horror...) a form! 

For other workshop  use cases, what we need is freeze the board structure, but after a layer of ice has been added, to allow adding and filling in info and moving around of stickies.  (Or potentially other elements.)   So I want to create a structure then freeze it in a layer, and allow anything moved and scribbled on top of it.

Please can you do this?  So useful for workshops!

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • May 10, 2023

This whish is still really valid!!! When running a collaborative sessions I always use some shapes where people have to add their text, but I don’t want people to reshape them or move them. Since not everyone is used to Miro it would be great to have this additional Lock option where you fix position and shape but the text editing is still possible. This would be great for shapes and maybe also post-its.

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment about this feature. We appreciate your patience. Our team is reviewing this idea as it continues to be open for votes and comments.
For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!

Thank you,
Miro Community Team

Would love to have this!

the UI could be as simple as adding an “Unlock Text” and “Unlock Location” to the lock ribbon similar to the lock for owner only button. 

