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Board notifications

Currently, we are receiving updates on how people have changed the material on boards via email.

For those of us already getting 100 emails a day, that is a bit clumsy. The Dropbox approach of icon notification in the bottom right-hand corner would be preferable - as that can tell us what is happening in real-time.

The email notification can, of course, be kept as an option.


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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • June 18, 2020

@Patrick Degenaar -

Have you modified your Notifications settings in the Profile Settings section for your account to turn off board changes notifications?


Currently, everything is allowed and I’ve set the updates to 24 hours (there is no way I could accept emails more frequent than that).


I got a notification on the general Windows notification tab that you have responded to this query, but what I’m asking for is somewhat different.


If you use Dropbox, it creates a little icon on the bottom right of the windows taskbar. Then it pops up its own notifications of when others are making changes to your shared Dropbox folders. It is great for observing how your team is working away without having to do anything.

Something similar for Miro would be useful: Awareness without inundating the user with emails and data.

Michael Sohn
  • Retired Community Member
  • 75 replies
  • June 18, 2020

Hi @Patrick Degenaar,

If I’m understanding correctly, you’d like the ability to receive Miro notifications similar to how you receive Dropbox notifications, on the bottom right-hand corner of the board, instead of receiving the updates via email.

Is that correct?

If so, you can submit that idea to the Wishlist.

Michael Sohn
