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Google Translate integration

Related products:Apps & Integrations


This is probably not a common use-case, but anyhow, here it goes: I currently have a board in Swedish that needs to be translated to English. My current workflow is to copy the text from one element into Google Translate, then copy the translated text back into Miro. For this board it’s fine, but for larger boards it could get very time consuming. Since Miro seem poised to integrate with all other apps, which is awesome, maybe a Google Translate integration could be relevant as well?

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  • New Here
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  • July 11, 2020

I like this idea. I definitely want to use this feature in Miro.

  • New Here
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  • September 25, 2020

I work with global coalitions of organizations who speak multiple languages. Currently the dominant language spoken is English, which ends up dominating the process and blocking out those who don’t speak it. It would be an amazing inclusivity feature to have a google translate integration that can translate boards in real-time for different users. E.g. “Select your language”. I imagine this would be difficult to implement, but maybe there’s a way to have a translation feature that can be occasionally refreshed... 

Kim Roth Howe
  • Active Contributor
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  • November 12, 2020

YES!  An integration with Google Translate would be a gamechanger.  I also work with multilingual groups and this would be incredibly helpful.

  • New Here
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  • February 26, 2021

Absolutely! Same here! 


Found this after searching how to translate Miro boards. Work for a chinese company and need to translate. The microsoft translation integration in Outlook, Word and Powerpoint is amazing and a good reference. My translator decided to re-train after seeing it as she realised her future as a translator was under threat.

Yes, please!  :grinning:

Agustin Varela

Hi guys, looking for the translation feature, any update on this?



Would love an automated translation. Just a simple example. Lets say you build a Briefing Roadmap for sales. I am living in Switzerland. there is three languages to be covered. When we talk about roadmaps for customer it is even more versatile. Translating one canvas with some clicks into 4 languages saves HUGE amount of time...:-)

Henrik Ståhl

How come this idea has only 33 upvotes?? Would LOVE to be able to translate in realtime (or trigger it manually)! 🤩

Shadi Mallak


This is a must :) I’m working with teams around the world and being able to translate boards from english to chinese and back would make Miro our goto for all our creative collaboration needs.

  • Active Contributor
  • 23 replies
  • September 5, 2022

Hello!! I just launched a Miro app that allows you to translate content directly from the Miro board. Check it out at . It’s still pretty simple and currently supports translating sticky notes, text items, shapes, and cards into over 100 languages.


There's no account needed and it's free to get started, with paid tiers if you need more translations. If you have any questions, bug reports, comments or just want a discount code, you can email me directly at anytime.

Next feature coming up: Put the translations directly back onto the board. For this feature, would you prefer the app to replace the original text on the board, or to add a sticky note with the translated text beside the original content?

Shadi Mallak
Vedran wrote:

Hello!! I just launched a Miro app that allows you to translate content directly from the Miro board. Check it out at . It’s still pretty simple and currently supports translating sticky notes, text items, shapes, and cards into over 100 languages.


There's no account needed and it's free to get started, with paid tiers if you need more translations. If you have any questions, bug reports, comments or just want a discount code, you can email me directly at anytime.

Next feature coming up: Put the translations directly back onto the board. For this feature, would you prefer the app to replace the original text on the board, or to add a sticky note with the translated text beside the original content?


That sounds great Vedran, I will have to try it out.

I have a question and a suggestion.

Content can be sensitive, so how is the translation handled, with what service and where is it sent and/or stored?

Then, for the next step, a sticky note is a good idea. Our team has beens doi g manual translations on duplicated side-by-side or top-bottom boards orhas been adding the text blocks next to the original, with the same formating, but that would be hard to do automatically.

Could be intersting if there was a way to do it on the fly, so everything is translated for the current user's preferences.. much like the google tra slate web pluggin on web pages...

  • Active Contributor
  • 23 replies
  • September 6, 2022
Shadi Mallak wrote:
Vedran wrote:

Hello!! I just launched a Miro app that allows you to translate content directly from the Miro board. Check it out at . It’s still pretty simple and currently supports translating sticky notes, text items, shapes, and cards into over 100 languages.


There's no account needed and it's free to get started, with paid tiers if you need more translations. If you have any questions, bug reports, comments or just want a discount code, you can email me directly at anytime.

Next feature coming up: Put the translations directly back onto the board. For this feature, would you prefer the app to replace the original text on the board, or to add a sticky note with the translated text beside the original content?


That sounds great Vedran, I will have to try it out.

I have a question and a suggestion.

Content can be sensitive, so how is the translation handled, with what service and where is it sent and/or stored?

Then, for the next step, a sticky note is a good idea. Our team has beens doi g manual translations on duplicated side-by-side or top-bottom boards orhas been adding the text blocks next to the original, with the same formating, but that would be hard to do automatically.

Could be intersting if there was a way to do it on the fly, so everything is translated for the current user's preferences.. much like the google tra slate web pluggin on web pages...




Hi @Shadi Mallak , great question and suggestion! I wrote a thorough answer below. It’s a bit long but I wanted to include all possible details for you and any other users :)


Regarding sensitivity: we use Google Cloud’s paid translation service to actually perform the translations. When you press the Translate button, your original content goes from the Miro app to our backend service, which authenticates with Google Cloud to perform the translation. The translation results are then sent back to our service, and then back to the Miro app. Your content is encrypted in transit between these services, and it is encrypted at rest in our backend service.

As is, the translation content is currently logged in our secure backend system on its way to Google, and the translation result is also logged on the way back. This is done for a few reasons:

  1. If our users repeatedly translate the same content, our backend service can avoid asking Google to translate it again. This will make some translations much faster (e.g. if you are using a popular Miro board template or common phrases that have been translated before), and also can help us reduce our cost to provide the translation plugin over time.
  2. Some users have asked for a translation history and search feature.
  3. It has been helpful for investigating and identifying bugs for our users. In one case, we were sending the incorrect target language to Google Translate, and our logging helped us uncover that issue.

We also use an analytics system called Mixpanel to help us understand how people are using the plugin, but it never stores the original or results of translations. It just stores simple actions like button clicks and page views.


As the founder of the company, I am the only person that has access to these services, and we use two-factor authentication to secure all of the accounts.


Having said all of that, I can definitely appreciate that the reasons above may not resonate with you. If you find the plugin useful and sign up for an account, I’m totally happy to add a special setting for your that account to omit all logging of translated content. Just shoot me an email at and include the email address you used to sign up and we will add that setting right away.


Regarding your suggestion: That use case totally makes sense. We built a similar translation app for Figma / FigJam which tries to preserve formatting as much as possible by using the first detected formatting of the item. For example, if your sticky note was “Hello World”, it would be replaced with “Bonjour le monde”. The system isn’t smart enough to know that “le monde” corresponds to “World” and should not be bold, so the formatting at the start of the item is used throughout.


If you have any more questions, suggestions, comments, etc, don’t hesitate to email me directly at

Serhiy Dmytryshyn

Crowdin has recently released a Miro integration. With that integration, you can translate boards both via machine translation or with professional translators

  • New Here
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  • January 24, 2023

DeepL has this feature. You install the DeeL extension to your Chrome browser, then when you have your Miro board open in the browser (so not in the app) you can select the text, click on the DeepL icon appearing in the bottom right corner and the text is replaced with its translation. It is still tedious as you have to go post-it by post-it, but no more copy+pasting outside the window and copy+pasting the translated result back.

What I’d like is a feature to auto-translate all text within a selected zone, regardless of format. I imagine being able to select multiple elements on my board and do an auto-bulk-translate and replace the text in the same formats.

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment about this feature. We appreciate your patience. Our team is reviewing this idea as it continues to be open for votes and comments.

For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!

Thank you,

Miro Community Team
