Hi, I recently joined a project that is using Miro so they invited me using my email, now I’m a member of the team.
I would like to ask if it’s possible to create another team - “my team” and have 3 new free boards while still being a member of the other team I joined?
Best answer by Andrea de Wattignar
@Edward P. Legaspi I went through this exact exercise myself and am now a member of 4 different Teams on the free account, including a Team I created. You do indeed need to cease being a member of all of the other Teams first - basically make yourself ‘teamless’ before you can create your own new Team. Then you can ask the Owner(s) of the other Teams to re-invite you again to be a member of those Teams.
I don’t know that it is possible to do that with a single free account - you’d likely need to have a separate company account with another free plan to be able to do that.
Of course, if you were on the Consultant (paid) plan, you could have multiple teams defined and be able to create boards within all the teams you had access to.
@Edward P. Legaspi I went through this exact exercise myself and am now a member of 4 different Teams on the free account, including a Team I created. You do indeed need to cease being a member of all of the other Teams first - basically make yourself ‘teamless’ before you can create your own new Team. Then you can ask the Owner(s) of the other Teams to re-invite you again to be a member of those Teams.
Hi @Andrea de Wattignar, that’s basically what I did but rather than leaving the existing groups, I created a new group using another email I own and invite my main account.