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why sequence of frames changed by itself ?

Hi All,

i have re-order the sequence of frames. and i opened the board after 5 hours. the whole sequence messed up. 

any one has faced similar challenge ? 

just to give background - there are 70 frames in board. and my case study is evolving. so i keep re-ordering the sequence. and keep adding some frames in between. 


this experience is disgusting. seems like Miro is not for me. 

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6 replies

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • August 8, 2021

@Sanjay -

Can you clarify how you changed the sequence of frames - was it through the frames panel? I’ve done this scores of times with different boards containing up to fifty frames and haven’t seen this sequence change behavior…


  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 1 reply
  • August 8, 2021

@Kiron Bondale - thanks for responding. I have clicked on frames icon at bottom left side. it opens up entire list which is there at left side of screen. 

i keep shuffling the sequence of frames as an when i need am learning more. 

couple of hours back i updated sequence and created pdf out of it. but then after some time the sequence changed - good that i had pdf version with me. 

is their a reason why this has happened ? 

for ex: i have frame 6 after frame 5. but if i swap it because thats how i wanted. does miro auto update the frames ? or should frames always be in increasing/sorted order ? 

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • August 8, 2021

@Sanjay -

This is definitely not normal behavior. As I mentioned, I’ve always been able to reorder the frames regardless of the order in which they were created and I’ve never had it change the order on me randomly.

How are you accessing Miro? Are you able to test this using an alternate method - e.g. if you access it using a browser, can you try with the desktop app?

Does this happen on one board or all boards for you?

If you can consistently reproduce it with more than one board, I’d suggest opening a Miro support request here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center


I am having the same problem since months - solution meanwhile?

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • April 13, 2023

@Stefan Heiligensetzer -

I’d will ask the same questions and provide the same recommendation as I had for Sanjay a year back:

How are you accessing Miro? Are you able to test this using an alternate method - e.g. if you access it using a browser, can you try with the desktop app?

Does this happen on one board or all boards for you?

If you can consistently reproduce it with more than one board, I’d suggest opening a Miro support request here: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center


Request to support is already submitted. Yes happens in the desktop app, in Safari Browser and Chrome Browser. Happens on all boards. Seems like the function magic order is issued any time boards are opened again. Which btw does not follow the logic as described 
