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Lock text size on sticky note

  • October 27, 2020
  • 4 replies

Dear Miro, 

One of the advantages of using sticky notes and Sharpies is that folks can’t get too detailed in their note. They have to keep their thoughts high-level or there’s not enough room to write them on the sticky.


Currently, Miro lets you choose a font size for a sticky note. However, when the character limit is reached for the note, Miro automatically adjusts the font size to allow for more text.


Is there a way that you can help facilitate this? Some ideas may be…

  1. New type of sticky specific for brainstorming
  2. Lock size/font size of sticky notes
  3. Enable word limit on stickies

I would lean toward a word limit. It better forces participants to curate their thoughts.


Love your product. I use it everyday.

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  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • November 10, 2020

Great ideas for a very relevant problem. I just had a workshop get off to a rough start because people are writing novels in what should be a quick brainstorm. Part of the solution is definitely guiding people to providing useful input, but some tools wouldn’t hurt!

I agree the word limit would be best - I would love to see a twitter-style character counter letting me know how much room I have left. As a facilitator, that’s a lot smoother than breathing down everyone’s neck.

I agree. I would have the same need. Would be great to have that in the next update.

I was researching about this… it’s crucial as someone tends to add reasons and backgrounds to the note, which skews the results as others may think it’s more thought through than others and it shouldn’t be the case.

Also I thought about using just squares to change the typeface simulating a marker and have a certain length, so participants would be restricted by this - the issue is that by scaling the object it gives more room for the content 😣
