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Currently there is a default setting for the duration of the sweeping movement over the board when following a link within the board. This make movements to any links that are not in the immediate vicinity of the origin blurry and hard to follow. Users get disoriented and do not have the benefit of orienting themselves in the big picture.



Allow board designers to adjust settings for the path taken from a link to its destination within the board. In its most simple form this would be to make the current default duration of about 1 second adjustable to fast/medium/slow. More advanced (and a really cool feature to improve storytelling) would be settings to controll:

  • speed of movement across the board
  • apex (peak altitude) of the flightpath (changing the current flat pat to a parabel, prefarably with realistic acceleration/deceleration on take-off and landing)
  • waypoints to pass along the way to destination

This is very much a nice to have feature. But don’t you agree that it would be so very nice though?

Zoom out then zoom in would be a useful way to give / maintain context

Quite right. Although that would require there to be an active facilitator to perform, while also being less smooth.