Skip to main content App by Miro

  • November 1, 2023
  • 8 replies

Turner Pijpers

Hello Miro Community! App by Miro

Diagramming power-users can now create and collaborate on any type of diagram, bring technical documents and people together in one Enterprise-ready workspace.

  • More than 50 shape packs including ArchiMate’s enterprise architecture, electrical circuits, floor plans and many more
  • Drag & drop to import, Visio, and Lucidchart diagrams into Miro to start collaborating
  • Advanced features such as layers, tags, smart containers, auto-layout, shape meta data, custom guides, and many more
  • Diagrams and data are hosted with Miro’s trusted infrastructure, no data is shared with third parties

Visit the Miro Marketplace and get started today! Available for all Miro users.


For more information check out the help center.


Happy diagramming!



This Third Party Platform app utilizes open source code from the Github repository, and is hosted securely by Miro. is closed to contributions. Therefore this Third Party Platform app is provided "as-is" with all bugs and errors, and is offered without any warranty, indemnity, or support of any kind.

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7275 replies
  • November 3, 2023

@Turner Pijpers - When I open the app I see the following message when I click on the Learn more icon:


See the same message on the Diagrams Miro Marketplace page.

Could you explain what this means with regards to the future of this app and why we should feel comfortable to incorporate it into our workflows if it is “as-is” and without any “support”? Or, perhaps this is standard wording in the open source world (to which I am not familiar) and, for example, it just means that the project was open source and no longer maintained as such, but now that Miro hosts a version of it, it will be maintained, and possibly even enhanced? I am just curious as this is the first time I have noticed any such message when using Miro.

First Impressions overall

Honestly, my initial thoughts around this new app are that I am both excited and confused. Excited, because of all of the new diagraming packs and the experience in general, but confused as it doesn’t provide the same real-time collaboration experience that Miro itself does.

For example, when multiple users are on the board, and one of them opens a created-diagram using the app, the diagram becomes locked (similar to when a user is editing a sticky note). And while the non-editors on the board can eventually see the updates as the editor is making them, the editor is no longer able to see the board as the app has opened up to fill the entire screen. So, if one of the non-editors says, for example, “I don’t agree with “x”, the editor cannot see what they may be pointing to with their cursor – or least that is how the app experience is for me during my testing using two different accounts, from two different computers to simulate two users on the board at the same time.

With zero insights into your plans, I hope to see all of these diagramming capabilities merged right into Miro along with your current diagramming features!

Christophe GESCHÉ

This is a fabulous step forward. THANKS.
I just need to find a trick (a third-party service?) for import export in BPMN format

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • November 20, 2023

Hi, I have few questions after using plug-in.

1.I imported file into miro then edited some content via plug-in, but I found it would not synchronize original file.  Was it saved by miro not

2.I drew a new diagram with plug-in by miro, where could I see the new file?It seemed only allowed to export as pdf or image format, not type.

3.I could only import firs tab from my file to miro with whole content of tab, so I couldn’t select import area when my file with mutiple tabs. I only want to import a section of activity diagram and it seemed whole content would be selected automatically.

Would these questions have chance to enhance in the future release?

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7275 replies
  • February 5, 2024

@Turner Pijpers - I’m not sure if you are monitoring this post or not, but I had feedback and cannot find a mechanism for sending my feedback, e.g., there is no “send feedback” link in the integration app, or in the help center aricle.

First, I noticed this (Chrome and Edge, Windows 10 and 11):


Second, and the feedback, when I have multiple pages in a file, I need them to all be visible on the Miro board, or at least a pagination/navigation panel at the bottom of the diagram being displayed on the Miro board.


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7275 replies
  • February 8, 2024

When a colleague created a diagram in a Confluence page vs on a Miro board using the new Miro + integration app, I immediately reached out to them to show them how they could do this in Miro. However, when it came time for six of us to collaborate on the diagram, the person driving the conversation loaded the Confluence diagram as they shared their screen to the remote group. Then, I saw cursors moving around in their diagram and was floored that this was possible in Confluence and not in Miro. Example from Confluence:

I have created the following Wish List idea post to request this functionality in Miro:

  • Beginner
  • 6 replies
  • July 1, 2024

If my company already has Miro licenses,  could we use under the same license or we need to purchase additional licenses for ( in addition to Miro ) ? 

  • Beginner
  • 6 replies
  • July 1, 2024

Is by Miro different from this plugin in confluence => 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7275 replies
  • July 1, 2024
MarinaL wrote:

If my company already has Miro licenses,  could we use under the same license or we need to purchase additional licenses for ( in addition to Miro ) ? 

@MarinaL – Since you have Miro licenses, I would suggest that you ask the support team these very questions who, if they do not already have the answer documented, will confirm the details with the appropriate product team. You can open a Miro support ticket by following these instructions:



To address your other question:

Is by Miro different from this plugin in confluence

In both instances (Miro and Confluence), you can see the version in the Help menu bar. While I am not sure if there are differences to the core codebase, the versions have always been a little different, e.g.:


It is also worth pointing out that Confluence’s implementation appears to support a more real-time collaborative experience: