Hey Miro Community!
My name is Manouska (ma-noosh-ka) and I’m so excited to join the Miro team as your new Lead for the Community Forum! What excites me most about Miro is you all. This group is filled with such diverse and dynamic individuals from all around the world and I can’t wait to get to know you all!

As your lead, I’ll be responsible for managing the overall forum experience through programs, events and making sure this is a helpful and engaging place for our community to hang out. In my first couple weeks I’ll not only be taking the time to get to know many of you, but will also work to uncover what you love about the Miro community and where you’d like to see improvements. More on this later!
As I’ve gotten to learn more about Miro, This community continues to fill me with insight and inspiration on where Miro has been and where It has the potential to go in the future. I’m looking forward to unlocking more of our potential together :)