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Welcome to Agile April: Insightful events, Template Challenge, and more!

Anna Savina

Hi Miro Heroes 😍


We’re introducing big themes for each month to highlight different use cases and groups within our Community! 


This April, it’s all about Agile! We want to celebrate all the individuals, teams, and companies that prioritize their customers and are learning how to respond to change. Whether you are just starting to learn about Agile methodology or are an experienced Agile coach and practitioner, we invite you to participate to learn, grow and drive change together!


How to get involved:

  • Discover Miroverse templates for Agile Workflows and submit your own board to our library. We are super excited to see your favorite rituals and learn how your team stays agile! And stay tuned for a dedicated Agile April Miroverse Template Challenge!

  • Join our Lean-Agile Evangelists community group led by @Henrik Ståhl to meet your peers, learn, share your insights, and share your learnings and perspectives! 

  • Do you have a unique point of view and several Miroverse templates under your belt? Respond to this thread to be interviewed for our Creator Spotlight!

  • Share your Agile templates, boards, or conversations on social media using hashtag #MiroAgile.

  • You're invited to join the club! Connect with other Miro users, share tips, tricks, and tutorials in our "Miro Champs" Twitter Community.  


❓ What do you want to see re: Agile? Let us know in the thread! Let’s co-create this learning experience together. 

Or to get us started, share the biggest challenges you had when implementing Agile in your organization (and your solutions if you have any). 


Upcoming events: 


Happy collaborating,


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Henrik Ståhl

So excited about Agile April! 🌟

If you want to share your favorite templates with the Lean-Agile Evangelists group members, join the conversation here:

And stay tuned for more fun and fascinating stuff related to agile methodologies!


Paul Snedden
  • Group Leader
  • 86 replies
  • April 6, 2022

As an Agile Coach (and massive advocate for Miro #justsayin), Miro has had such a positive impact on the teams I work with. A lady in our transformation team said to me just this morning how she couldn’t go back to sticky notes on a physical board, because “it feels so antiquated now” compared to the benefits of using Miro. It’s so well embedded into our workflows now, it will be hard to go back to “traditional ways of working”….not that we’re thinking about it, though.


I’ve created a bunch of templates which are used internally (company-specific, so not appropriate for the Miroverse), which makes facilitators lives easier. The thing we need to get better at is the longer-term use of a board. It feels like at times that a new board gets created for every meeting haha

Henrik Ståhl

@Paul Snedden I can totally relate to long-term use of boards! We have some boards in my team that are frequently updated, but often people simply forget about the awesomeness of a particular board and therefore needs constant reminders. 😂

Anna Savina
  • Author
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 66 replies
  • April 6, 2022

@Paul Snedden love the story about your coworker! And would love to see more of you templates in Miroverse! 

Re: long-term use of boards. I really love creating and maintaining ‘huddle boards’ where we keep a calendar, all our presentations/frames with OKRs and yearly goals. A huddle board also contains documentation of multiple meetings which helps a lot when we are trying to track progress. 

Do you create multiple boards to work with different teams or just because it feels great to start anew (I can relate!)? 

Paul Snedden
  • Group Leader
  • 86 replies
  • April 7, 2022

Thanks @Anna Savina I quite like that Huddle board. I host our weekly Huddle, but we’re stuck in “death by powerpoint” mode...I am going to use that template as inspiration to create something Miro-based for next week :)


In terms of boards, I am currently working with nine delivery squads. Each of them have their own primary “home” board, which is where they run all their sprint retro’s (Jira for planning and standup). As they begin an inception of a new piece of work, they kick off a new board, which is fine….but then they don't refer back to it again, which I find odd. It’s definitely improved some what in the last 6 months or so, but there was a while there where we were quite literally creating a new board for things almost every single day. I’ve been trying to instill with the scrum masters in the squads to do what’s right for the squad, but also remember that it’s important to make the life of the squad easy if they need to find some information at a future point in time.

Frankie Kok
  • Miro Hero
  • 16 replies
  • April 17, 2022

It’s exciting to see Agile April happening. Thank you for creating these moments to connect with the community, @Anna Savina!

I love the Agile stories and experiences you all are sharing @Henrik Ståhl and @Paul Snedden. I come from Design Thinking and Lean Startup background and I have always been curious about Agile, how they all connect together and the possibilities to empower our workflow with Miro. I just joined the Lean-Agile Evangelists group, and I look forward to learning more about Agile from you all. 


Henrik Ståhl

Thank you @Frankie Kok! Would love to hear more about your DT/LS background. I’m a “certified” Design Thinker myself (although I don’t really fancy those sort of certifications to be honest, haha) and I am an advocate of Lean UX & Lean Startup principles. I actually quite recently got two templates related to Lean UX & Lean Startup published in Miroverse!

1. Build Measure Learn

2. Think Make Check


Hope you’ll like ‘em. 😊

PS. Feel free to create a new topic in the Lean-Agile Evangelists group anytime! 🌟
