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Building Interactive Gameboards

Mark Burke

Hello Everyone,

Would anyone be interested in discussing ideas on how best to build board games using MIRO? I build serious games to help clients unlock collective wisdom within groups. I’m using MIRO with some success. Yet, there are challenges.  

Let me know.


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Richard Kasperowski

Hi, Mark! I do some of the same. What are you noticing that works well? What challenges do you and your groups encounter?

Said Saddouk
  • Group Leader
  • 73 replies
  • November 11, 2021

This are some miro games I created last year, if you need some inspiration :)

Richard Kasperowski

Nice! I love them!

Said Saddouk
  • Group Leader
  • 73 replies
  • November 11, 2021

These were my first tries - Nearly forgot about them. Probably should create some new / updated ones.

Mark Burke
  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • November 11, 2021

Richard and Said -- thank you.

What works well: 

  • I LOVE that MIRO is a blank canvas to build custom serious games, especially those for large group play. So, accessibility via a link, distributed via Zoom is perfect.
  • The ability to create a graphic and overlay text, game pieces, etc. is also great.
  • I like the idea of locking down elements, especially for a game that requires some stationary elements and some that can be moved. BUT -- see below. 
  • I love that a sticky can be added ahead of time and the length of a team’s response doesn’t matter since the text auto fits into the sticky. 

What ALWAYS causes issues in groups is navigation. Many struggle to Zoom in and out and find their way around large game boards. Event a game board of under 20 “spaces” (think Candy Land, Shoots and Ladder type of layouts) gets large.

I mentioned above having the ability to lock items is nice. However, I like to create boxes for teams to add scores to based on gameplay. To do that, I can’t lock the box. So, when they are moving around, they inevitably move a box and then manage to lose it. I’m wondering if I am missing an app or setting that allow for a locked by editable “field/box.” 

I thought about creating frames around game spaces and making the presentation more linear. I could use the Frame list and have the players move to their spaces via that window. But, that removes the game board environment. I also thought about using the Presentation mode for gameplay, but in that mode, players can’t edit the board, add thoughts, or enter scores. 

As far as a game scenario summary, here’s an overview.


  1. Create a branded gameboard based on the purpose of the game, cause, or organization / client branding.
  2. The game board contains spaces with scenario (situations to solve).
  3. The board presents spaces to add solutions.
  4. The board also presents “Challenge Cards” that guide the group’s conversation. My company helps clients have valuable conversations through purposeful interaction.
  5. The board also presents spaces for the group to enter their scores based on successful challenges achieved through the conversation.
  6. A die is used to determine where to move to on the board after each round.

Thanks in advance for any advice. Just talking through this and seeing your games Said has me thinking. 





Mark Burke
  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • November 11, 2021

Richard -- I see you are an Agile expert. My company served as the designer for this year’s Agile Online Summit with event owner Tom Henricksen. Small world!

Max Harper
  • Miro Hero
  • 373 replies
  • November 11, 2021

@Mark Burke 
You may look to track down and compare notes with the folks at Cozy Juicy Real. Who made great strides in developing their game / game for business teams on Miro. Here they are in the Miroverse and here’s their homepage

Said Saddouk
  • Group Leader
  • 73 replies
  • November 16, 2021


This is what I did recently @Mark Burke, @Max Harper .

For example, I locked everything but the fields where the participants can enter theris score. Worked very well so far.

As the host, working with two separate miro-sessions / windows can help, so you could share one static view of the game-board, that doesn't move while the other one can be more dynamic.

Also a lot of frames helped me to navigate smooth through the game.

What also worked is, sharing the same screen for every participant while they can navigate and play in the Miro Smartphone App. But this depends on the game and its complexity.

I hope this can inspire you for some new ideas. :)


Rgds Said


Richard Kasperowski



Great idea, count me in!

I have been working to bring several existing serious games (e.g. “Beer Game”, “Team in Action”) that were played at universities online during the lookdown.

My current favorite ideas is to think about something that can be played asynchronously over a longer period of time, something like days or weeks, maybe even using a mechanic that integrates real-live events into the game flow. I am currently working on something like that for a program I run over the course of a semester, I want to have it ready by January. 
