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Drag sub-tree along with bullet or heading in Doc object.

Related products:Fonts & Text editing
Nathan E
  • Nathan E
    Nathan E

Nathan E

When I drag a line (block?) up and down in Miro’s document object on the canvas, is there a way to have the sub-tree came with it? This would enable rapid restructuring of list chunks and document sections.

If dragging a heading, this would take all the content below it (until the next heading of the same level) along with it.

If dragging a list/bullet/checklist item, it would take all the lines below it along that are more indented.

There are already drag handles for text lines on the tool but they only manipulate the adjacent line. I’ve found this kind of structure-aware sub-tree manipulation very powerful in other software I use like emacs org-mode and LibreOffice. This kind of structure abstraction might be overkill, however, given the doc tool seems to be designed for relatively limited text length. With the wide doc margins, there seems to be space to have two manipulation handles at the end of the line which would maintain discoverability: one for dragging the line/opening the menu and one for dragging the subtree. Placing these handles on either side (left/right) would also eliminate chances of dragging the wrong handle if putting them together causes too many input errors.

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