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Synchronise JIRA board and Kanban Framework boards

  • December 10, 2020
  • 1 reply
  • Robert Johnson
    Robert Johnson
  • Benji Greig
  • Richard Corner
  • Dan Page
  • Sana Murad
  • Alexander S
  • Jenny Niemi

Is it possible to have a way to synchronise a Miro Kanban Framework with a JIRA board ?

For exemple, if I had a JIRA card placed at the same time in Doing column in my Miro Kanban Framework and my JIRA board and I wanted to move it in Done column in my Miro Kandan Framework, I would like it moves it in the same column in my JIRA board.

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  • Beginner
  • 5 replies
  • December 10, 2020

I’m not an expert in Miro at al, but this sounds like something Zapier would do for you.  You might look into the Zapier integration, if no one else knows of a better, more built-in way.
