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Do permissions changes take affect realtime?

  • July 28, 2020
  • 1 reply

I would like to invite people to add post-it notes during periods of time during a workshop, but don’t want them off making changes otherwise.  I’m thinking of changing their permissions to enable edit when I want that and to comment when I don’t.  Will that work if they aren’t signing out and back in?  Any other ideas to accomplish what I’m trying to do?

Best answer by Kiron Bondale

@Devin Reilly -

they are pretty close to real-time - when I’ve taken away board access, it has booted off folks right away. I also just did a quick test with the anonymous guest editor access where I started with comments only then raised it to full edit access. All I had to do (as the collaborator) was refresh my browser/reload the Miro board to get the new permissions.


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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • Answer
  • July 29, 2020

@Devin Reilly -

they are pretty close to real-time - when I’ve taken away board access, it has booted off folks right away. I also just did a quick test with the anonymous guest editor access where I started with comments only then raised it to full edit access. All I had to do (as the collaborator) was refresh my browser/reload the Miro board to get the new permissions.

