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Miro WhiteBoard Integration (How to pass name of users)

  • July 21, 2022
  • 1 reply


Hi Team,

I am using No login embed method, I have successfully integrated the miro board in my video chat application (Like whereby), but now I want to pass the name of users as well so that it will help us to identify who is writing or drawing on the board.

Can you please suggest some solutions or workaround?

Thank you!


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Joanna Smith

@Himanshu Tomar -- unfortunately, there isn’t a way to identify users when using an anonymous board.

Right now, the Live Embed feature only supports two user flows:
1. Allowing existing Miro users to log in and interact with a board.
2. Creating an anonymous, temporary board that allows non-Miro users to interact with the board, which will be deleted after 24 hours. This approach does not currently offer a way to populate the name of the anonymous user.

However, we are currently planning how to expand the Embed SDK offerings, so I encourage you to submit this feature request on our Roadmap. By doing so, you’ll be subscribed to any future updates we may send about the request.


