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Displaying Miro board in our application without logging in to Miro


Dear Miro Team,

We want to display Miro board into our application without asking user to sign-in to Miro. We want the users to log in our application (we are using OKTA as authentication/authorization mechanism) and will navigate to the page where we display miro board in the iframe. Even is the user is not logged in to Miro and he does not have the miro cookie, we want to display the board. Is that possible or miro login is mandatory before displaying the board?

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14 replies

Addison Schultz

Hi @Ankush Kulkarni 


This feature is available through our Live Embed component! You will have to submit your app for review in order for us to approve this feature, but you can find all the information around that here:


Hi @Addison Schultz 

Is it possible to get that javascript code mentioned in above document in step no.4 in typescript?

I want to use this in our angular application.


Hi @Addison Schultz 

I submitted my client id of app for review yesterday for enabling above feature. Please approve.

Also please tell if the code given in the document, is that available for use in typescript files. We have an angular application and want to use this function.

Addison Schultz

Hi @Ankush Kulkarni 


I’ll forward the request to the team. Regarding the TS files, I unfortunately don’t think we have them for the live embed option


@Addison Schultz 

Is there any alternative for in JS code in TS? I tried to use in in TS but it gives me error as “Cannot find name ‘miroBoardsPicker’”

Addison Schultz

@Ankush Kulkarni Can you make sure you’re including the boards picker script in your application? (mentioned here:


@Addison Schultz Yes I am including that JS reference.


@Addison Schultz 

Now I am able to see the attached screen when not logged in to Miro. When clicked on Create board, Miro API throws error. PFA for error.



@Addison Schultz 

Today I received error as below from Miro JavaScript


Anthony Roux

Hi @Ankush Kulkarni, I have enabled your access to temporary boards.


Can you try and let me know if it works now?

Math Notermans

As we work with Miro a lot at our University, and do love it. I have some ideas how to integrate it in team games we are developing for students.

Is it possible to embed a Miro board in a Scorm/HTML5 game/course in which the students login with their Canvas account… and then they can play the game and use the Miro board to share and cooperate ?

Anthony Roux

Hey @Math Notermans,


Interesting use-case.

Technically you can embed Miro in any technology that supports iframes. I guess the question will be more on the user experience. Do you want the student to embed their own board(s) or a board you have created? Will it always be the same board? Who has access to this board? Do the participants need a Miro account to access it, if not it is a temporary board that can live only 24h. 


You can learn more about embedding Miro here.

Math Notermans

Hi @Anthony Roux ,

Basically for now it is just thinking aloud. Instructure Canvas, the LMS the university uses has quite some limits on creating visually together. So we use Miro. We encourage students and teachers to use it, and they do. So in fact all students do have a Miro account on their .edu email-adress. At least they can have.

For a game we are making now, about 150 students are teamed up in teams of 5. Those teams all get assignments and need to work on that. For now they make choices, is this correct...or that...and so they in the end as team get results ( or not ;-)

As we know their login through Scorm on Canvas, we dont want them to login separately on Miro. The Miro board should be a shared board of the team.  As a base we develop a starting one. They can add things and that will be the endresult of the game. As we going to use Firebase for writing and reading the data so the game is synced for all teammembers and i just read Firebase connection is also possible from Miro, i thought…. mmm that opens possibilities. If choices are made in the game...written to Firebase… those can be shown updated in Miro too then..

Kind regards,


Hi @Anthony Roux 

Still the same error - 

Bad Token: Temporary Board can't be created for ------; Reason: temporaryBoardNotAllowed

