Forgive me if something is not entirely clear, I am a Russian-speaking user.
I want to know how can I implement a method to move an object up or down in layers? It's quite easy to do it on the board - just select an object, press the ellipsis - brintg to front or Sent to back. How can this be done through the API? Unfortunately I am not at all familiar with API Miro, but I have experience in this area, so I think I can get an authentication token and connect to my board. What's next? Can you provide links to the required documentation? (I work in Python)
Best answer by Daniela Gavidia
The Miro SDK includes methods to move a widget forward and send it backwards, just like you do it on the board. From our SDK documentation:
You can try it on the Javascript browser console. First, obtain the id of the widget you want to move. Then call: await miro.board.widgets.bringForward(<WIDGET_ID_HERE>)
You can try it on the Javascript browser console. First, obtain the id of the widget you want to move. Then call: await miro.board.widgets.bringForward(<WIDGET_ID_HERE>)