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data-classification Rest API (internal server error)


I am using the REST API call...{org_id}/teams/{team_id}/boards/{board_id}/data-classification

I am getting valid responses back from the call, but the vast majority of the time I am getting the following error returned even though the board has a classification label.

  "code": "internalError",
  "message": "Internal server error",
  "status": 500,
  "type": "error"

Thanks for the support!

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5 replies

William Bishop

Hey @Stephen Wingert,

Thanks for raising this! I just sent you a DM for some more details.


William Bishop

Hey @Stephen Wingert,

Our team was able to take a closer look at some of the example requests you shared, and they confirmed that in the instances where you’re getting a 500 error, our logs show that the requests failed because in these cases the user did not have access to the board that was being fetched.

However, it is a bug on our end that this is returning a 500 internal server error , rather than a more descriptive 400 error. We are working to update this and improve the error messaging.

In the meantime, for requests that return the 500 error but are otherwise correct, you will want to check the user permissions/board access.


William Bishop

Hi @Stephen Wingert,

As a follow up, the team is continuing to look into this to rule out other possible error cases. We will follow up on this shortly.

Thanks again for raising it,


Thanks for the info Will.

I am using the REST API to build a list of all the boards used within our Enterprise instance. I can get a list of all of our teams and the boards within the teams using the appropriate APIs.

For each board, I want to know the classification label assigned to it which requires the use of the data-classification API. It would be great if the data-classification attribute could be returned in the results of the boards API. Otherwise, it seems I have to add myself to every board in the enterprise which is not a workable solution.

BTW, I am using the REST API from inside Excel. I imagine this use case is not a standard one for developers using the API. I have developed this solution to identify boards that require deletion as per our data governance policies for SaaS solutions. I did get a preview of the retention and disposition feature that is under development. Once that feature is available, we can retire the Excel solution.

William Bishop

Hey @Stephen Wingert,

Thanks a lot for the context—I can definitely appreciate how helpful it would be to have the data classification attribute included in more endpoints (like the GET Boards API). I’ve gone ahead and shared this feedback with our Product team.

We will also keep you updated on the team’s work on improving the error messaging on the Board Classification endpoint and their investigation related to this.

