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Ability to enable / disable 'download' button for guests

Pawel Owczarek




It would be great to have a possibility to manage access to a “download” image option:




Currently all users (guests - even viewers, occasional team members, full team members) are allowed to download any graphics file we have uploaded to the board.

Many times we and our partners use copyrighted or licensed graphics that cannot be either copied further or shared in its original form to a third party. When we use Miro now, any user with access to the board can download the file. I know that a malicious person can make a screenshot of an image, but there is a huge difference between taking a screenshot of scaled graphics and downloading a full, original image (often with full opacity, when PNG).



It would be great to add board-level option to manage a setting which kind of user can access the “download” button, for example:

Download images?

  • no access
  • team members only
  • team members, occasional members
  • guests, team members, occasional members

Or a list of checkboxes with each category to pick its own combination.


Example how to put in current layout:


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Pawel Owczarek
  • Author
  • Active Contributor
  • 21 replies
  • June 5, 2020

correct title should be: “Ability do enable / disable download button” :)

Edyta Paul
  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • June 6, 2020

So many of my clents do not want to work with miro, thinking about security of their files. 
This feature would be very helpful. 

Pawel Owczarek
  • Author
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  • 21 replies
  • June 6, 2020
Edyta Paul wrote:

So many of my clents do not want to work with miro, thinking about security of their files. 
This feature would be very helpful. 

Thank you, Edyta. Many of our partners think so too. Apart from finding a one place to edit board settings (this and future ones), it should be a simple feature to implement, so we can be hopeful :)

Now that I think of it, it should not be limited to “download images” but rather “download files”, because option to download is also shown for other types of files - such as PDF.

Pawel Owczarek wrote:

correct title should be: “Ability do enable / disable download button” :)

Super :-) 

Pawel Owczarek wrote:
Edyta Paul wrote:

So many of my clents do not want to work with miro, thinking about security of their files. 
This feature would be very helpful. 

Thank you, Edyta. Many of our partners think so too. Apart from finding a one place to edit board settings (this and future ones), it should be a simple feature to implement, so we can be hopeful :)

Now that I think of it, it should not be limited to “download images” but rather “download files”, because option to download is also shown for other types of files - such as PDF.

Super :-) 

Michael Sohn
  • Retired Community Member
  • 75 replies
  • June 10, 2020

Hi @Pawel Owczarek,

This is a great suggestion! I don’t have the Enterprise plan, so I’m not sure how it exactly works, if it gives the option to prevent certain users from downloading images/documents, but it says “access to user data and content created and stored on the boards is strictly regulated.”

Maybe the option for extra security to protect content could be added to the other plans? Though, I think your possible solution of adding the ability to manage downloads is a nice idea.


Pawel Owczarek
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  • 21 replies
  • June 19, 2020

@Marina, great thanks for using this idea as an example in your “Tips & tricks to write an ideal idea” tutorial:


I was amazed and suprised, both at the same time. Thanks for noticing! :)

Pawel Owczarek
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  • June 22, 2020

@Marina, I think that one of your long-term main challenges in application interface design may be to introduce revamped board settings - there are so many ideas on the wish list that concern board-level configuration. A new design that is flexible enough for you to add different, valuable options - now and in future (based on the suggestions of your clients & your vision of the product) and versatile enough to be managed in both board view and boards list (through a lightbox, for example). A new place, that the users will easily customize boards and Miro Team will be able to focus on features action / interaction, not on a way of managing them.

The current settings view is far from being flexible in expanding:



Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7273 replies
  • September 11, 2020

While we wait for this option, here’s a workaround that appears to work in your board is in Publicly View/Comment only mode:

Pawel Owczarek
  • Author
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  • 21 replies
  • September 16, 2020
Robert Johnson wrote:

While we wait for this option, here’s a workaround that appears to work in your board is in Publicly View/Comment only mode:


Hi Robert, thanks for the suggestion - yep, it really works this way - grouped objects are not seen as images. With some additional work, it might solve the problem in some cases. Unfortunately for me graphic files are used as interactive objects (for example playing cards), so users can ungroup objects any time they want. They will have to be more miro-aware to do that, but still :)

  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • January 13, 2021

Hi @Pawel Owczarek @Edyta Paul @AnnaJurewicz 

This functionality became available with the new Board Content Settings. Can you please check and let us know if this is what you were after? 

Edyta Paul
  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • January 13, 2021

Yes, @Marina, thanks a lot. I've been using it since the first day it came out. It is just what I (and probably many more users) needed :grinning:
Thanks to @Pawel Owczarek for raising the topic! 

This would be awesome!

Especially for teachers, too.