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Jira Full Parity

Miro is perfect for sprint planning virtually.  However, everything needs to go to Jira and needs to be updated back to Miro for the next sprint planning session.  It would be great if Miro could, not only, show the ticket status, but have full parity between the two.  

  • Ticket labels, comments, etc…. all fields are mirrored in Miro for specific boards in Jira.
    • Some teams have different boards in the same project and you wouldn’t want this intertwined.  
  • Support subtasks as they are created in Jira to mirror into Miro. 
  • Moreover, support tasks created in Jira mirroring into Miro.  
  • I understand you can’t move cards around as they do in Jira Kanban so the status of “Done” or “Ready to Work” can do but they are not synced.  It takes hours at times to sync up.
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