Are there templates or best size frames to choose when creating something to use for example when creating something for fitting onto e.g. A4 page, 1280x960 page for screen design, instagram post format, facebook social graphic format) ?
Are you planning to export Miro content out to a PDF or image? If so, I find it is less about the size of the frames and more about the typeface used for any text within it. If you set a typeface of 24 and use frames that have the ratio of A4 or letter-sized paper then the exports usually look good.
Are you planning to export Miro content out to a PDF or image? If so, I find it is less about the size of the frames and more about the typeface used for any text within it. If you set a typeface of 24 and use frames that have the ratio of A4 or letter-sized paper then the exports usually look good.